Page 33 of Dirty Saint

I pushed into his solid chest with my free hand until he backed up enough to look down at me.

“I guess you’re just lucky.”

He snorted, taking a long pull from his drink. “More like cursed.”

That made sense. Koah was terrible, and bad people tended to have rotten karma.

“Don’t you think you deserve to be cursed, considering the terrible things you’ve done?”

His shoulders grew stiff, and the easy smile on his face disappeared. His lip curled in disgust before he reached out and tugged at a lock of my hair.

“What about you? What have you done that’s so bad, Tori?”

I tucked the strands of hair he pulled behind my ear and matched his angry expression.

“I’ve done nothing wrong.” I lifted my brow, challenging him to name one thing I had done wrong.

“Really? Then why are you so cursed?” he asked.

“I don’t follow.”

He wasn’t making any sense. Maybe he was drunk?

“Just look at yourself,” he said, swiping his hand in my direction. “You must have done some evil shit to earn such a fall. It’s crazy seeing you in such a bad place.” He reached out and plucked my old T-shirt. “Do all your clothes have holes in them, or is this your style these days?”

My heart sank.

I knew my clothes and shoes were falling apart. I knew I had nothing but the few dollars in my checking account and my sister, Gracie. But at least my bills were paid, and I did it alone. At least I wasn’t giving up.

“You’re an asshole,” I spat.

He smiled when he realized he had gotten under my skin.

“I am. Don’t forget that.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” I said before I tried to move around him.

He stopped me, his palm curling around my side and sending stupid chills down my body. I hated him so much. I hated everything about him, but I began to think I despised how my body reacted to him the most. It was inconvenient. He was my mortal enemy. I wanted him to rot for what he had done, but my body hadn’t gotten the memo.

He leaned down, his breath rushing over my neck.

“For real, though,” he said into my ear. “I know how badly you want to take a ride on my cock, but try to control yourself, Tori. Stay away from me. You’re beginning to look desperate.”

At that, I swung around in his direction and pushed him away from me. “I want nothing from you. You don’t affect me whatsoever,” I lied.

He moved quickly, pressing into me until I felt like we were one. My back slammed into the wall behind me, and I searched the space around us for anyone close enough to help me. No one was paying attention or could hear us over the loud music. His large hand curled around my throat and tightened just enough to send my anxiety bolting through my body.

His thumb pressed into my chin, forcing me to look up into his light eyes. He was magnificent to look at. It was a shame that such a rotten person was wrapped in such beautiful packaging.

He swallowed, and a smirk pulled at his thick lips when he tightened his grip on my throat. I bit my bottom lip, trying to ignore my body’s response. The tightness in my bra and the slide between my legs. The soft subtle throbbing of my clit, which begged me for friction. It was wrong on so many levels, but I couldn’t control it, and the one thing I hated more than Koah was losing control of any situation.

He stared down at me before he moved closer, running his nose up the side of my face and breathing me in. He groaned, and I shivered but tried to hide it. The last thing I wanted was for him to figure out he made me stupid and weak on top of angry.

“No effect on you, huh?” he asked.

He thrust his hips forward, and I felt how hard he was. He pushed again, pressing his hardness right against the part of me that throbbed for him. It felt amazing every time he drove his body into mine. My breathing accelerated, and I gripped his shoulders without thinking about what I was doing. I wasn’t sure if I was pushing him away or pulling him to me, but my nails dug into him in a way that made him hiss.

His lips grazed my jaw before he whispered, “Do you feel that?”