“We were about to watch a movie, but the show you just gave us was way fucking better.”
I looked down at Tori just in time to see her burst out laughing. I laughed with her as I snagged her shorts and panties from the floor and gave them to her. Then I blocked her while she dressed.
“Fuck both of you for not telling us you were there,” I said, pointing at Joker and Crow.
Joker held his palms up. “No way was I going to ruin a good time. Plus, we thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Tori started toward the bedroom, and I followed her, flipping the middle finger to Joker and Crow when they started laughing.
Amonthpassed,andeven though I missed Gracie and our life before riot night, things began to look up. I thought about her every day, hoping she was looking down on me and proud of the life I was living, but it still stung. Grief wasn’t something that went away. It changed shape; some days, it was smaller, and you could hardly feel it inside yourself. Other days, it was so large it felt like it had expanded into your lungs, and you could barely breathe.
Koah loved his new job at Cycle and Sons, even if Joker and Crow constantly gave him hell about leaving the dope game. I was proud of him, but I knew he missed his bike. I couldn’t lie; there were days I wished we could jump on his bike and run away to Tybee to sleep on the beach. Driving the car there took away some of the thrill.
I found a job working the front desk at a local dentist’s office, which was a welcome change. The pay was better than at The Huddle or Waffle House, and so were the hours. Working Monday through Friday with an occasional weekend meant I had more time with Koah and living our lives.
Everly and I became inseparable, planning the perfect small wedding for her and Skull. It was my duty since I agreed to be her maid of honor. So on the weekends, when I wasn’t running to the coast with Koah or spending the day in bed with him, I was usually with Everly, dress shopping and planning.
Life was good. It was different than I expected, but no one knew their future.
“How do I look?” I asked Koah, spinning in my lavender bridesmaid dress.
He sat back on his bed in black slacks and a white button-up, the sleeves rolled up, showing his tattooed arms. He grinned at me, his light eyes drifting over my body, taking in every curve, and my body heated. He was ridiculously hot in anything, but Koah in a suit was mouthwatering.
“You’re fucking gorgeous, baby. I can’t believe you’re mine.”
I chuckled, going over to the bed where he sat. He turned, pulling me into the space between his thighs. He set his chin against my stomach and looked up at me, his light eyes full of happiness. Losing my fingers in his hair, I smiled down at him.
“I’m so in love with you,” I said, leaning down and pecking him on the lips.
“Is that all I get?” he complained, pulling me closer and wanting more.
“Yes.” I chuckled, pulling back. “I know what’ll happen if I give you more.”
His eyes shined before he kissed my stomach, my dress keeping his lips from touching my bare skin. “What will happen?”
I leaned down, pinching his chin and giving him another peck on the lips. “You’ll ruin my hair and makeup. We have to leave in twenty minutes.”
“Mmm.” He licked at his thick lips. “I love how you look after I mess up your hair and makeup. Later?” he asked, his brows lifting hopefully.
“It’s a promise.”
SKULL AND EVERLY’S wedding was held at a small social hall close to Cycles and Sons. When we pulled up, the parking lot was full of motorcycles and people making their way inside. The building was older but had been well cared for. The front was decorated in lavender flowers and greenery, fresh from the florist around the corner.
Koah and I held hands as we walked to the entrance, and then we separated, him going to find Skull and me going to the back where I knew Everly was. When I walked in, she was sitting in a chair getting her hair done, her face still fresh and waiting for makeup.
“You started without me. I’m supposed to be here for everything.”
She giggled, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “Sorry. She came early, and I figured we could get started. You look beautiful, by the way. That dress is perfect on you.”
“You wait until Skull sees you in your perfect dress.”
Her cheeks warmed, and she covered them with her palms. “Is it possible to die from happiness?” she asked.
“I hope not because we’d both be dead.”