Page 124 of Dirty Saint

“It’s not safe there, Tori. You can’t stay there alone anymore.”

“That’s not for you to decide! Take me home now, Koah.”

He sighed. “Your place is gone, Tori. I packed it up and took all your stuff to storage. You’re coming home with me for now.”

Fury rushed through me, and I lost it.

“I’m not going to your fucking house! It’s not safe there, either. Don’t you understand? You can’t just take over my life like this!”

Without putting on his blinker, he swung the car out of the lane we were driving in and into the grass on the side of the road. I grabbed the bar above my head and held on for dear life. My heart jumped into my throat, and I covered my chest with my palm, hoping to calm it.

He slammed the car into park and turned to face me in his seat.

“Tori, listen to me. You think you want to return to that apartment, but I know you. I know you'll crack the second you step foot into that space. I can’t let that happen. I can’t watch you fall apart. That place is full of memories waiting to pull you under and take you away from me. Over my dead body will I let that happen. So yes, I packed all your shit up and put it in storage for you. Yes, I did it without your consent, but I felt like it was the right thing to do. I will always do the right thing when it comes to you.”

He reached out and cupped my cheek, and the emotion clogging my throat kept me from lashing out, from digging my nails into his head and causing him as much pain as I was feeling. And when he moved in to press his forehead against mine, I let him because I couldn’t imagine pulling away. I was a mess of push and pull. Of love and hate. Sorrow, grief, and many other things mixed up and churned inside me.

“I love you so fucking much, Tori. Please let me take you home and away from the dark places.”

Tears rushed down my cheeks, and I nodded. I had been in control of my life since the moment I aged out of foster care. Before that, I bounced from place to place, drifting through the world and being tossed around by people who didn’t give a shit about me. It was time I let go and let someone who loved me care for me. I didn’t like it, but with the loss of Gracie and everything else, I wasn’t sure I had it in me to fight back.

For now, I would do what Koah wanted and let it all go.

I didn’t love the idea of living in the Sons of Sinister’s house, but it was a place until I figured out my next move.

Skull’s bike was in the driveway when we pulled up, and I prayed that Everly waited inside to welcome me. Since I was still in pain and moving slowly, Koah was able to make it to my side of the car before I could get out. He helped me out, his touch soft and a grim smile on his face.

Everyone waited in the living room when we entered, and anxiety swiftly moved in at having so much attention on me.

Everly pulled me into a hug, careful not to hurt me. “I’m so glad you’re out of the hospital.” Then she leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “Go easy on him about your apartment. He’s a mess and doesn’t want to leave you alone. He loves you.”

She pulled back with a sweet smile, and I nodded, understanding what she was saying. I didn’t want to hurt Koah or make him worry, but I had just been shot and lost my sister on the same night. If I didn’t shut my feelings down a little, I would feel everything too sharply, and I would shut down if that happened.

Skull was right behind Everly, pulling me into a hug. His large arms wrapped around me, and I was engulfed with warmth.

“Welcome home, babe.”

Crow stood in the living room next to the couch, his arms crossed and his dark eyes on me. When I looked his way, he nodded at me, and I somehow knew he welcomed me. Then my eyes clashed with Joker’s, and my breath halted. He didn’t say anything or make any motions, not that I expected any, but his eyes were not full of hatred any longer either.

Everyone stuck around the house, and we ate dinner at the table, courtesy of Everly, a fantastic cook. By the time Skull and Everly were leaving, I was exhausted. My body was still healing, and even just sitting around talking with everyone and eating dinner had wiped me out.

Koah brought me everything I needed to shower, and then I went to Koah’s room, where I collapsed in his bed. I was still awake by the time he showered and came to bed, and when he got into bed and pulled me into his arms, I let him. My face pressed against his warm chest, and I breathed in his familiar scent, wishing I could forget everything but knowing I couldn’t.

“Gracie needs a funeral. There are things I need to take care of tomorrow.”

He tensed in my arms and kissed the top of my head. “It’s already taken care of, babe. Her wake and funeral are on Thursday. The funeral home agreed to wait until you were released from the hospital.”

I pulled back with wide eyes. “You did all of it?”

He nodded, his gaze unsure. “I hope that’s okay.”

“But I need to pay you back.”

I had taken care of Gracie for most of her life. It was my job, and I wanted to do that even now that she was no longer with us.

He shook his head. “Let us take care of it, okay? The guys insisted on helping.”

I nodded. I couldn’t fight him on it. I was too tired to try.