Page 122 of Dirty Saint

I moved behind her, close enough to breathe her in but not close enough to touch her. Leaning forward, I let my nose sift through her tangles. “I can’t lose you. I know you’re not in a good place right now. I don’t blame you. I understand you’re at your lowest. I just want to make sure that you know you’re not alone while you're down there. You’ll never be alone as long as I’m alive.”

Her expression changed in her reflection in the window. She closed her eyes before reaching up and swiping at a lone tear. “I know,” she whispered.

Relief rushed through me. It wasn’t a hate-filled response, but it was something. She acknowledged me and my truth—that I would always be there and loved her enough to stay by her side forever.

I TOOK CARE OF EVERYTHING once Everly showed up to sit with Tori. First, Crow, Joker, and I took Crow’s car and loaded it down with boxes. Then we went to Tori’s apartment and packed the place up. She would hate it, but she didn’t need to be living in such a shit place anymore. She didn’t need to be alone in that apartment. She’d dwell on everything, closing herself in, alone in the place she shared with her sister.

I kept out the things I thought she would need, and the rest went into a rented storage. She didn’t have much, so it didn’t take us long.

After that, I returned to our place to pick up my bike and went directly to Cycles and Sons, where I knew Skull would be getting the place together. They had a grand opening coming soon, and it was time I became a part of that. If Skull could leave the chaotic life behind and go legit for his woman, I could do the same.

I rode across town, my bike’s engine growling in the wind, passing places that reminded me of Tori and our short time together. When I pulled into the asphalt parking lot of the building Skull was renting, I grinned, feeling a bit of happiness at seeing my boy doing so well.

It was an oversized metal garage, the outside painted neon green, and the words Cycles & Son painted in black and colorful graffiti across the front. There were rows of garage door openings, some small and some large, closed and waiting to be open for business. I was proud of Skull and Everly. So fucking proud.

I parked by the entrance, a glass door with the garage hours printed neatly in vinyl across the top, then went inside to a waiting area that looked like an updated aesthetic of The Strip. Black and white photos of our favorite racing spots littered the walls, and I paused by each one, loving his setup. Skull hadn’t forgotten where he had come from and would remind himself of that every time he stepped into his establishment.

I went into the garage to find the place set up and ready for customers.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” Skull said, wiping motor oil from his hands.

“You haven’t even officially opened yet, and you already have bikes to work on?”

I looked behind him, noticing the line of motorcycles awaiting his expert touch.

He shrugged. “The loyals, man. They don’t stop wanting upgrades and shit just because I don’t have a garage. I’ve been doing the shit on the side for a while now. I’m happy to have my spot to keep it organized.”

He was right. Most of the fuckers at The Strip went to Skull when they needed a fix or a mod. I was happy to see he already had customers lined up at his new spot.

His eyes lowered, and he crossed his arms over his broad chest. “How is she today?” he asked, referring to Tori.

“Not great, but a little better every day.”

He nodded. “She’s a ballsy one. I like her.”

“Good because I love her.”

He chuckled. “That’s obvious. I never thought I’d see the day.”

He moved in, clapped me on the back, and pulled me in for a hug. Pulling back, he rested his hand on my shoulder.

“What do you need from me? Name it.”

I swallowed, never more glad to have such loyal friends. “A job.”

A smile split his expression.

“Done. When can you start?”

I breathed out in relief. Skull had always asked us to join him and work for Cycles & Sons, but I worried I might have been too late for a job.

“Once I get Tori comfortable at home. Next week?”

“Sounds good.”

“I need something else,” I said. “Follow me.”

I left the building for my bike, and he was behind me. When I paused beside my beauty, I looked back at him, building the courage to say what I needed.