The way he looked at me—the way he stroked himself—and the roll of his shoulders when he leaned over, tensed up, and came in his fist.
It was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to me. I had never seen a man come like that before. I had never been one to watch porn, so to see Zander in that position, it did things to me that I didn’t understand.
“Earth to Eden,” Luke interrupted my thoughts.
I jerked, running my fingers through my hair to calm my racing heart. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”
He looked at me as if I was strange before he chuckled nervously. “She wants to know what you want to drink.”
I looked up to see the waitress standing beside me tapping her small notebook with her pencil.
“I’m sorry. Pepsi, please.”
Once the waitress walked away with our drink order, Luke reached out and ran a finger across the back of my hand.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
He had asked me that at least six times already, and for the sixth time, I guiltily said, “I’m fine.”
I wasn’t fine.
But I couldn’t very well tell him that I was sitting around fantasizing about my boss and the way he jerked off in front of me. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was Zander on the black leather couch with a look of absolute rapture on his face.
I squeezed my thighs together to control the throbbing inside my panties. Reaching across the table, I grabbed one of the glasses of water set out for us and took a sip. The iced water cooled me down a bit, but just as I was about to set the glass down, I looked up to see Zander staring back at me from across the restaurant.
I blinked.
I was sure I was seeing things.
There was no way Zander was at the same restaurant. There was no way he was sitting across the room, grinning over at me as he sipped his drink, and there was no way he stood and started toward our table like he owned the place.
“Well, look what we have here,” his deep voice penetrated my nerves, sending them scattering to below my waist.
“Mr. Hale,” Luke said. “What a surprise.”
Strangely, I wasn’t surprised.
Zander was everywhere these days. It was my luck that he would show up at the exact restaurant where Luke had decided to take me to dinner.
“I didn’t realize we paid you enough to afford such a nice restaurant. Unless you plan on washing dishes for your meal?”
Zander chuckled.
Luke’s face turned red with embarrassment.
And I just got mad.
“Is there something you needed, sir?” I asked, making him turn his attention to me. “Because I’m sure if there’s something you want, it can wait until we are actually working for you and not outside Empire when we are trying to enjoy a date.”
“I don’t usually like my employees dating.”
“I’m sorry—” Luke started.
“Is that your preference or something the casino forbids?” I asked, sure that he was full of it.
The look on his face told me he hadn’t expected my response. “Don’t let this interfere with your work performance, or I’ll have no issues firing you both.”
Without another word, he walked away from our table.