Page 40 of Vanilla and Vice

“Very much so.”

“Again, there’s nothing wrong with the uniforms we’ve been using for the past few years. If you and Kade want to change things up, why don’t you hire the kind of girls who get paid to wear this stuff?”

She tossed the paper onto my desk, and it floated down and almost over the side.

“Why do you have to question everything I say, Kennedy?” I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Already, I was feeling a migraine forming behind my eyes. The past few weeks had been hell with Eden around. I could have easily tossed her out without reason, and honestly, I had considered it several times.

The only reason I hadn’t was because of Kennedy, yet she argued with me at every turn as if she had built the Empire on her own back.

“I don’t. I’m just saying—”

“Just put in the order,” I snapped.

Her face tightened, and I had a feeling she was about to lose her shit on me, but that didn’t happen. Instead, she stood, snatched the paper from my desk, and slipped the sketch into her planner.

“Whatever you say, sir.” She snapped her planner closed.

She was being a smartass.

Kennedy never called anyone sir.

“Thank you. Pay whatever you have to pay so we have these in time for fight night.”

She nodded her understanding with pinched lips. “Anything else?”

“This is Vegas, Kennedy. No one’s going to be offended by the uniforms.”

“You mean none of the men will be offended.”

“That’s not true. I’m sure some women won’t be offended.”

“Whatever you say, Zander.”

I knew she didn’t mean that, and when she walked out of my office twenty minutes later with a slam of the door, I knew she was cursing me inside her head.

I wasn’t exactly proud of my actions, but I was getting desperate, and I needed to take drastic measures.

There was no way the angel called Eden would ever be willing to wear something so skimpy. She would quit on the spot once it was handed to her and she was told to put it on.

I would win the war Eden had no idea she was a part of. Even if I had to fight dirty.

Zander: one.

Eden: zero.