Page 63 of Finding Home

I start pacing again. Could it be true? She always invited me to go to the treehouse with them or join in other fun, but I never thought she was inviting me out of anything other than friendship. Because I was her best friend’s older brother.

“I’m glad you finally came to your senses, but if you aren’t ready to give Kylie everything, then you need to leave her alone,” Knox says, his voice hard with warning. “She isn’t one of your acquisitions.”

“I know that, damn it,” I growl through gritted teeth. “If she was, this would be easy. But this love thing… well, I don’t know how to deal with that and the thought of not having Kylie in my life scares the shit out of me.”

“Wow, Dante.” Knox whistles. “I always knew you had it in you. I even told Kylie that you always had the capacity to love but your problem is that you buried it so deeply. I feared you’d never let it come out.”

“Well, I’ve opened that well and now I’m practically drowning in emotion. And I don’t like it one bit.”

Knox laughs. “I’m happy for you, brother. This is a good thing. And you couldn’t have chosen a better woman if you tried.”

“I think I messed things up too much with her,” I grumble.

“Kylie is a forgiving person. She just needs to know that she means more to you than any business venture.”

“I don’t care about any deals, Knox. I would give up everything for her.”

“Then prove it,” Knox challenges.

We talk for a few more minutes and then disconnect the call. Knox is right. I do need to prove to Kylie that I love her and that she means more to me than my money, this penthouse, or any business deals.

But how? I’m new to this emotional rollercoaster and have never tried to win a woman’s forgiveness. At least not the woman I just realized I love.

Then it dawns on me. The studio for Kylie’s friend Stella. John was the one who had screwed Stella out of the studio deal. I'll persuade him—well, force if necessary—to sell the property back to Stella at the original price she’d agreed on.

Then I’m going after Kylie to set things right.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


It’s been almost a week since I walked out of Dante’s penthouse and I haven’t heard a word from him. Not that I really expected to. It’s just that… I had hoped. I’d hoped he would call me and say it was all a mistake. At least send me a text to see how I’m doing.

I’ve been foolishly hoping he’d come after me and try and get me back.

But alas… he hasn’t.

As I stand here in front of a blank canvas, paintbrush in hand, I know all of it had been wishful, stupid thinking. I thought I had really started to break through his barriers, that I was finally reaching him. We had started getting close and I thought he could feel that strong connection between us like I did.

I’m an idiot for ever believing such a thing was possible.

I set down my paintbrush with a heavy sigh. There’s no way I’m getting any painting done today. Again. I haven’t felt motivated enough to be creative since our fight.

Walking over to the stack of paintings leaning against the wall, I dig through them until I find the one I’m looking for. The one of me with my hands tied, finding pleasure with a faceless man. I hadn’t needed to put Dante’s face on this painting, I knew he had been the inspiration. It was because of the dream about him that I’d woken up so inspired, eager to paint the fantasy. To make it seem more real.

And then Dante made my deepest fantasies come true. Now, as I look at this painting that started it all, I feel heart sick. Disillusioned. Regretful.

Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back and will the tears building not to fall. When was the first time I realized I had a crush on Dante? I bite my bottom lip in thought. I guess it had to be this one particular time I’d gone to the Lewis house in search of Knox, but he wasn’t there.

It’s sixth grade. It had been a bad day in school. A few of the mean boys called me a dork and other names, hurting my feelings. I need my best friend to talk to. To make me laugh. Knox always has a way of making me see that things aren’t as bad as they seem. He’d tell me something like, “they’re the dorks but are too stupid to see it.”

But when I knock on the door of the Lewis home, Dante answers and tells me Knox isn’t home. I feel like a baby because I’ve been crying and tears are still streaming down my face. I’m about ready to leave when Dante call out to me.

“Want to play video games?”

I stare at him in shock. Dante never asks me to play anything with him. He’s fifteen years old and I’m only twelve. He’always acts like I’m too young to be any fun.

“I don’t know how,” I answer. “I’ve never played at home.”