Page 48 of Finding Home

Her words die short as I place my hand on hers. “Defeated. I get it. Don’t give up yet, though, we will figure something out.”

She replies with a meek smile, Max wrapping his arm around her shoulder in a comforting gesture before he lays his hands on the table.

“So, what are the plans for tonight?” he asks as we finish our coffee, standing from the table.

Every part of me hesitates for a moment as I think about Dante and the work I’m supposed to be doing. Though, as much as I probably should go back and lock myself into the work that needs to be done, I also need to have fun.

I grin. “Dancing, of course!”

Stella claps her hands together. “Yes! It’s been a while!”

It has indeed been a while. The three of us spent so many nights together back in New Orleans, hitting the bars and dance floors, enjoying ourselves. And over the past few months there has been so much crazy stuff going on we haven’t really been able to.

“That’s the truth. Speaking of which, I’m going to go back to the penthouse and get ready for tonight,” I tell them.

Max nods. “We can drop you off on our way back to the hotel. Then meet you back at the apartment, say around eight?”

I nod as we pile into the rental car. The city streets of Jersey pass us by as we head back into the Big Apple. It’s crazy how my life has changed so much over the past couple of weeks. And though I never expected my future to include New York… I can’t help but sense how it feels like home.

Chapter Twenty


What the fuck!

I open my home to Kylie and she has random guys in it while I’m away?And who is this Max guy, anyway? This is the second time I’ve heard his name and known that he’s around her.

I try to concentrate on work, but I just keep hearing Max’s voice in the background and Kylie in a hurry to get off the phone with me. I had planned that coming to Miami would be not only beneficial to her, but for me as well. I already have a beach-side condo here, and with the way Miami is growing, there is definitely room for me to expand my portfolio.

It’s a win-win situation. Or at least, I thought it would be.

Kylie would be able to get work done, and I wouldn’t be distracted by her. Or vice versa.

But instead, I find out that some other stupid fuck is distracting her?!

Fuck this. I shove my papers into a briefcase, grab my suit jacket off the hook on the wall behind my desk, and lock up my office. There’s no way I’ll be able to concentrate knowingMaxis at my house with Kylie.

By the time I land in New York and get to the penthouse, it’s early evening. I step inside and put my briefcase on the floor and my keys on the glass table in the entryway. That’s as far as I get when someone knocks on the door.

I open it and scowl at the thin blonde-haired man who is grinning widely at me.

“Hi, you must be Dante?—”

“Who the fuck are you?” I growl at the stranger.

“Oh, Dante! You’re back!” I turn toward the sound of Kylie’s voice and my jaw practically unhinges. She’s wearing a sexy red dress that is skin-tight and a bit too low-cut for my tastes. Although, compared to what most women wear, it’s modest, showing just enough cleavage to make a man’s mouth water. I don’t like the idea of her being out where men will be staring at her, though, imagining fucking her.

“Hi, Max!” Kylie says, her high heels clicking on the laminated floor as she comes closer. Wait, Max? I turn back to the stranger at the door and scrutinize him. He’s lanky, with perfectly-styled hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He’s not Kylie’s type at all.

Who am I kidding? I have no idea what her type is. A tall brunette with a short bob haircut peeks her head around the door, startling me a bit. I didn’t realize anyone else was there.

“Hi, I’m Stella,” the woman says as Kylie comes to stand next to me. “And I take it you’re Dante?”

I grunt in response, feeling a bit dazed and uncertain. So, Max wasn’t alone with Kylie all this time. The relief that brings me also irritates me. For fuck’s sake, I have to stop getting so jealous.

“They’re here for me, Dante,” Kylie says cheerfully. “We’re going out for a bit.”

“Where are you going?” I ask, still standing in front of the door.