Page 32 of Finding Home

“Hey, Kylie,” Knox says, a smile on his face as he speaks to her. “No, nothing’s wrong. Everything's going well here…”

My eyes watch him, he’s listening intently to her as a laugh escapes my brother's throat. “No, I just called because Dante actually wanted to know when you were coming back. Yeah, he came back already.”

His eyes turn towards me as a smirk crosses his lips. “No, he isn’t pestering us about selling… I know, that’s what I was thinking… no, I don’t know what he wants to talk about…mhm…okay, I’ll let him know. Don’t worry about anything until you get back. Be safe, we can catch up tomorrow.” He hangs up, stuffs the cell phone into the back pocket of his jeans. and looks at me. “She’ll be in late tonight.”


“Good?” Knox replies, raising an eyebrow.

I hesitate. “Yes, good. This is important.”

He raises both brows, giving me a mocking look before shaking his head. “Right.”

Growling under my breath, I turn on my heel, but Knox’s words stop me before I take more than a couple of steps.

“He misses you, you know.” I don’t turn around, but my shoulders stiffen. “Dad, I mean.”

As if I didn’t know! Slowly, I turn with a scowl. “Leave it alone, Knox.”

Of course, my little brother doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone. “Seriously, Dante. Dad misses you and he keeps begging me to get you to visit, even though you don’t pick up his calls anymore.”

Turning, I get another few steps when Knox calls out to me again.

“At least call him,” Knox urges.

I stand for a minute with my back to Knox, then without a word, walk away. How many times do I have to tell him that I do not want a relationship with our dad? I haven’t wanted one in years, and nothing has happened to change that. I doubt anything ever will.

Apparently, Kylie will be in too late to talk tonight, so I go to my hotel room and order room service. I’m not in the mood to be around anyone, or chance running into Knox and his friends. My thoughts are still on who the hell Max is and why Kylie is spending time with him.

After a thick steak and loaded potato, I take a shower and go to bed. Flipping through the channels on the television remote doesn’t inspire me, so I turn the TV off and then the bedside lamp. It doesn’t take long to fall asleep.

“How’s my big boy doing?”

I glance up at my mom, a huge smile on my face. It’s rare that she tucks me into bed at night, but here she is.

“I’m not that big.” I laugh, and she pinches my cheek lightly.

“You’re my big boy,” she says with a soft smile. Her gaze drops to my lap where the book I was reading is lying.

She raises her eyebrows when she reads the title. “Do you want to be an artist when you grow up?”

I can’t really read the book that well, too many big words I don’t understand. I shake my head. “No. I just like the pictures.”

She laughs. “Well, you can do whatever you want in life. Never reach for the stars, my son, when you can have the entire moon!”

“But there are a lot of stars and only one moon,” I say with a little frown.

“True. But if you have the moon, you command the sky and the Earth.”

The sound of my dad’s voice yelling for my mom comes from downstairs. She looks towards my open bedroom door and sighs before giving me a kiss on the head. “Get some sleep.”

Soon they’re both yelling. They are always fighting nowadays. I don’t know why they are fighting. “Where are you going?” I hear my mom yell right before the sound of the front door slamming shut echoes up to where I’m lying.

I guess this time it’s worse than before.

With silence in our house, I roll over and let myself fall asleep.

I don’t know what time it is when my parent's bedroom door closing wakes me from my sleep. I sit up, rubbing my eyes as I see the shine of a light in the hallway gleaming through the crack of my bedroom door.