Page 30 of Finding Home

I nod at her. “Stay with Stella, Max. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

* * *

I throw my arms around Stella. Her eyes are bloodshot from crying and she smells like she just ate a gallon of chocolate ice cream.

“You shouldn’t have left Willowcreek. Your clubhouse is going to fall behind schedule,” Stella murmurs as she buries her face into my shoulder.

“Nah, it’s fine. Knox and I don’t work on a schedule. The renovations will get done when they get done. Besides, Madi promised to help out.” I pull back and rest my hands on Stella’s shoulders, studying her. “Are you okay?”

Stella’s lip trembles then she grinds her teeth. “I can’t decide if I’m more heartbroken or furious. I got contacted by the developer.”

Max hands her a glass of water, his jaw rigid. “What did the asshole want?”

“To offer me the space—for twenty percent more than the original price.” Stella takes the water and gulps it like she is trying to drown herself.

My jaw drops as I gape, speechless. Twenty percent? Even including the budget we’d allocated out of the bank loans to redo the place, there’s no way Stella will be able to afford it. Hell, I’d have to refinance my studio to get that sort of money!

“Bastards!” I seethe. “What sort of people do that? Decide to swoop in like fucking vultures? I hope their brakes fail while they’re driving downhill!”

Max and Stella stare at me. Then, despite the fresh tears that well in her eyes, Stella starts to laugh. She hugs me tightly. Max rubs her back, shooting me a grateful look. For as crushed as Stella is, it’s good to see that she can still find some humor.

“Don’t let this bother you. We will figure something out—hell you know me. I always figure something out.”

Stella nods, wiping the remaining stray tears from her cheeks. “Thanks, Kylie.”

“Anytime… and look on the bright side of things. Had we gotten it, and he was buying shit around the place, we would have to see that asshole on a regular basis. I’m sure there are better places out there.”

An hour later, we’re sitting around Stella’s living room having eaten our fill of pizza. None of us have more to say. I’d love to say I could lend her the money to get the place, but even if I did have it, it wouldn’t help her in the long run. She would feel obligated to pay me back, because that’s just the type of kind-hearted person she is, and it would stress her out to no end.

“I don’t want to think about this anymore,” Stella declares suddenly. She turns to me. “So. Tell me something about Willowcreek that will distract me.”

“Dante Lewis kissed me.”

Stella’s eyes go huge. Max drops the piece of pizza he just picked up. I have about half a second to regret bringing it up before Stella jumps over to the couch next to me.

If I told Madi, she’d be squealing and demanding all the deets despite her personal disdain for Dante. Stella, though, looks worried. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. I was painting and when I took a break, he was there. He started berating me for not paying enough attention like someone was going to break into the house and murder me. I got snippy… and he kissed me.” I slump back onto the couch, reliving that moment. “But it doesn’t matter if it felt good. He was also a complete jerk the entire time I was there. Berating me and treating me like I’m nothing because he is some big hotshot in New York.”

“Wow,” Max grumbles.

Stella shoots him an annoyed look, then focuses back on me. “Have you talked to him again?”

I shake my head. “And I’m not going to, either. He’s got ice for blood and his only passion is for business. I’m not getting mixed up in that. It’s only a physical attraction. That’s all.”

Stella puts an arm around me. “You have a big heart, Kylie. Keep it safe.”

I nod glumly, though I don’t feel confident about my chances. No one else ever made me feel the things Dante does, even with him being a complete asshole. I internally sigh, forcing a smile to my lips as I attempt to show them I’m not bothered.

Though deep down I know she is right. I have to keep myself safe.

I can’t let Dante Lewis anywhere near my heart.

It’ll only end up broken.

Chapter Thirteen