Page 28 of Finding Home

Coming from practically anyone else, that would sound like a come-on. But I never mix the business of pleasure with the business of work. I hired Lizzie specifically because she’s not my type and I’m not hers. That is, she’s fully committed to the relationship she has and will never put us in the awkward position of forcing me to fire her.

“There’s nothing I need help with. Goodnight, Lizzie.”

Lizzie nods as she starts to collect her things. “Goodnight, Mr. Lewis.”

I lock up after she’s gone and head back into my office. I’ll be pulling an all-nighter, that’s for sure. There’s a lot of work to be done. Yet another time the office shower, not to mention the comfortable couch, will come in handy. But as I sit down at my desk to work, my mind keeps drifting to Kylie.

Specifically, the way her ass felt in my hand, the way she slid her tongue into my mouth, the noises as she pulled me closer.

Fuck it.

Heading to the ensuite shower, I slowly undo the buttons of my shirt, having already shrugged off my jacket and tossed it onto the sofa in my office. Thoughts of Kylie swirl around me. Setting my phone up on the counter, I turn the nozzles of the shower, watching as the water pelts the shower floor and steam slowly rises.

More than anything I wish that I had stayed to finish what I started with Kylie. Even if she is forbidden. The moment I step beneath the water I let out a sigh of relief. My hands run over my hair as I close my eyes and tilt my head up toward the faucet, allowing the hot water to rush down over my face and chest.

“Kylie…” Just her name makes a wicked smile cross my lips as I take my already thick, rigid cock into my hand, wishing it was me she was riding in the painting.

As I open my eyes once more, I take in the image of the painting on my phone. I imagine what her tight wet pussy would feel like with me sliding in and out of her. What it would feel like to trace the curve of Kylie’s hip, to taste her pussy on my tongue. To hear the sound of her moans echoing off the walls as I fuck her relentlessly and without restraint.

I pant as all my muscles tighten. A growl rips from my throat as I picture her throwing her head back, screaming my name. With a jerk of my hips, I cry out, a strangled noise escaping me as I shoot against the glass.

I’m left feeling oddly unsatisfied. Something that rarely happens. A strange part of me wishes that she could be here with me, but I quickly push the thoughts away. Kylie Simmons is off limits, though if she isn’t careful...I’m not sure I can stop myself from breaking her into submission.

Chapter Twelve


Shit! Didn’t I lock that?I rush over, blood pulsing in my ears. When I step into my makeshift studio, my heart stops beating entirely. Madi stands in front of the painting of Dante and me. Her hands are on her hips as she studies it. A small scoff-like laughter escapes her as she then shakes her head.

“Wow, I knew you were good, but damn girl…”

Oh, can the ground open up and swallow me now? How many more people are going to see me making love to Dante on canvas?

Fucking hell! This is why I should stick with abstracts. Everyone always has something to say.

Especially Mr. High and Mighty Businessman, who didn’t even say goodbye before skipping town.

It’s been two days since he left, and though I managed to finish a majority of the painting, my heart and mind are still conflicted over what happened between me and Dante.

Madi turns, her eyes catching sight of me as her brow rises and her smile grows. “What the hell is this masterpiece?”

I grab a sheet and throw it over the canvas. “Just a painting I’ve been working on. It’s not done.”

“Is that right? No point in covering it now.”

I stand in front of her and hold out my hands, beseeching. “No one’s supposed to see it.”

Madi snorts as she steps around me, pulling the sheet off the painting again. “It’s meant to be fucking looked at, Kylie, that’s why you painted it. My god, girl. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

I groan, hiding my face in my hands as embarrassment fills me.

“No, I’m serious,” Madi says. She grabs my shoulders and grips them. “It’s so fucking sexy. And I don’t mean because of how they’re in the buff, smashing.”

I peek through my fingers as she turns me around so I’m facing the painting. “What do you mean, then?”

“I mean, look at it!” Madi shakes her head as she steps forward. “Like this right here. Your back is just starting to arch, so it’s clear you’re on the verge of orgasm?—”

Shit, shit, shit! She knows it’s me!