Page 86 of The Secrets We Keep

I’d thought I’d be nervous about the prospect of getting on that ferry again, but I was actually kind of excited to explore the rest of the Outer Banks with him.

And wasn’t that a testament to growth and healing?

“Sure,” he said. “But you need to do me a favor and eat first.” He motioned with his head toward the paper bag that held our breakfast—which was getting colder by the minute. “God only knows when you’ll eat a proper meal again.”

I laughed. “With you around? Probably sooner than later.”

I did as I had been told and ate my turkey bacon and egg sandwich while he ate his. We chitchatted about some of the repairs we’d done over the last week since I’d actually helped, and he mentioned some of the things he needed to grab while we were on the mainland.

Finally, we finished and headed out. We both took our coffee, which wasn’t nearly as hot as I’d liked. As we headed toward the trail, I grabbed his hand, weaving my fingers with his. He looked down, a hint of surprise spreading across that handsome face of his.

“There’s no one around,” he said, giving me an out on our deal.

“I know,” I said, pulling him forward. As he caught up, I met his gaze, and because I was a coward, I added, “Just in case.”

We settled into a rhythm, walking hand in hand down the trail toward the beach. For a while, there was just the sounds of nature—the birds and the rustling of the trees.

I took a sip of my coffee, letting the warmth coat my throat and my belly. Finally, I asked, “You mentioned a brother?”

He nodded. “Zander. He’s four years younger than me. I don’t think he ever forgave me for enlisting after high school and leaving him all alone. He left Ocracoke the second he turned eighteen—didn’t even wait until graduation. He hasn’t been back since.”

“Do you know where he is?”

He shrugged. “I found him once in California. He was working on a road crew with a band. Seemed pretty happy.” He looked out toward the trees and then took a long sip of coffee. “Wanted nothing to do with me though.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said, realizing how often I said that when it came to his life.

“I get it,” he said. “I can’t imagine life was easy for him after I left. I abandoned him. I’d hate me, too.”

“You were eighteen, and he was your brother, not your kid.”

“You gonna always stick up for me like that?” He looked at me with a sort of shy grin.

“Well, someone has to,” I said adamantly.

He tended to put the weight of the world on his shoulders. Someone had to remind him he wasn’t responsible for all of it.

“What about your siblings? I’m guessing they don’t hate you like mine does?”

I shook my head back and forth at his dark sense of humor. “No, they don’t, but I’m sure they’ve disliked me over the years. It’s not easy being the oldest.”

“No, it’s not,” he agreed.

Feeling like we’d had enough of the heavy talk, I took advantage of the trash can we were about to pass, chucking my empty coffee cup inside.

Looking at Macon, I let go of his hand a second before I exclaimed, “Beat you to the beach!”

I saw his surprised expression as I tore off into a run ahead of him.

“You know I’m a runner and ex-military, right?” he hollered after me, obviously giving me a head start while he got rid of his coffee cup.

“I ran track in high school!” I yelled, wondering where he was. But I couldn’t look back. The trail was too rough, and I was wearing heeled boots. “And I run on the treadmill.” I didn’t say how infrequently it was. He didn’t need to know that.

I barely heard him. His movements were so quick and stealthy that by the time I realized he’d gained on me, his arms were wrapped around my waist and hauling me off the ground. He spun me around, my back against his hard chest as the sound of my laughter filled the silence around us.

He set me down, and I turned to face him, both of us still breathless.

“I think I won,” I said, looking out at the water just ahead.