Page 84 of The Secrets We Keep

How many times had I sworn I’d never be like him?

How quickly I’d broken that promise…

“Not the only time,” he reminded me with a wicked grin.

“Is this your way of saying you miss me?”

“You’ve always had quite the mouth on you, haven’t you?” He shook his head back and forth, a cruel smile playing across his lips.

“Learned from the best,” I fired back, hating that Marin had to be here to witness this.

“No, that’s all your mama, boy.” He made a noise, kind of like a whistle. “The mouth on her.”

I was up in a flash. “No.” My voice was low. Menacing. “Not her. You can drag my name through the mud, but not hers.”

His eyes were dancing with mischief, and I knew I’d reacted exactly as he’d hoped.

I felt Marin’s hand slide into mine. It was warm and grounding. I turned to her and looked into those chocolate-brown eyes. I expected fear or regret, but all I saw was understanding, and that…well, that was something I wasn’t sure I deserved.

Before I could turn back to my father, she surprised the shit out of me and beat me to it. Her determined gaze could have knocked over a bulldozer.

“I’d say it was nice to meet you, Mr. Green,” she said, her voice brimming with confidence, “but, well, my mother taught me it’s rude to lie. So, if you’ll excuse us, our coffee is getting cold.”

My jaw would have hit the floor if I wasn’t waiting for my father’s heated reaction.

Not letting me down for a second, he went for a final blow. “You letting your woman fight your battles for you now?”

I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of getting another rise out of me. “See, that’s the thing,Dad,” I said, the word so grating on my tongue that it sounded dirty. “You’re not even worth the fight.”

Marin snorted, and a slow grin spread across my face. “Enjoy that coffee. Oh, do everyone a favor and take a fucking shower.”

My hand slipped around her waist again, and we headed for the counter. I grabbed the brown paper bag, and Marin carried the coffee. I knew his eyes were on us, watching as we made our exit, but I didn’t give him another glance.

He wasn’t worth it.

Or at least, that’s what I tried to tell myself.


We’d managed to make it to Macon’s truck without any further incidents with his father.

But since we’d gotten in, he’d gone unnaturally still.

I bit the corner of my lip, worrying.

I’d always had an inkling his family life was bad. He hadn’t told me much, but what he had said wasn’t good.

But this…

God, my whole damn heart hurt for him.

“Macon.” My voice was barely a whisper.

I was afraid to startle him, but he finally turned.

“Do you want to go somewhere?” he asked, those hazel eyes blazing with emotion.

I simply nodded. Anywhere sounded better than here.