Page 144 of The Secrets We Keep

I went to his house, but no one was home.

Where is he?

It had been less than an hour since I had left, so I decided to head back to Molly’s. Maybe he was still there.

At the very least, I could return the car I’d so swiftly confiscated from her.

As I drove back through the streets of Ocracoke, I prayed he was okay.

The parking lot around the inn was nearly empty. The gala had either come to an end or it was about to. Did I go around the back like before or knock on the door? I looked at the lanterns, now mostly blown out.

I decided to be polite and go for the door.

But after a few knocks, no one came.

Finally, Molly’s thin frame appeared. She was dressed in leggings and an oversized sweatshirt and holding a large mug.

“Hey,” she said the second the door pulled open. “You okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah,” I answered. “Thanks for the keys.” I handed them back to her.

“Anytime. You want to come in?”

“Sure.” I gave her a once-over. “Although I think I might be a little overdressed.”

She laughed, throwing a flippant hand in the air. “No, I’m definitely the oddball. Everyone else is still outside. But I pulled the pregnancy card and came in to rest.”

She motioned toward the back, where a few stragglers were. Jake and Dean were huddled together, laughing. Dean’s brother was talking to Aiden while Millie spoke to?—

“Macon’s still here.” I didn’t bother to hide the relief in my voice.

She nodded as we both looked out toward the lawn. “He kind of lost it after you left.”

I tensed. “What do you mean?”

“He went after the sheriff.”

My eyes nearly fell out of my head. “What?”

Molly laughed. She freaking laughed. “I know. Welcome to Ocracoke.”

“Please tell me Macon isn’t going to be arrested,” I said, looking out at him while he chatted with a few people.

He looked calm.

Calm people don’t get arrested, right?

“No,” she assured me. “But Macon accused the sheriff of some pretty awful things.”

I turned to her, and she wasn’t laughing anymore.

“You think he’s going to get fired?”

“I think it wouldn’t hurt to go talk to him,” she suggested.

“Are you okay?” I asked. “I mean, about the ferry? And Macon?”

She looked out toward the lawn. Her gaze turned speculative. “Macon said Hayes purposely invited Martin?”