Page 105 of The Secrets We Keep

Saying those words out loud made me realize just how much I needed to hear them. Not for Macon, but for myself.

Three weeks ago, when I had driven onto that ferry, I had been no different than I was today.

But I no longer carried the pain and the guilt I’d brought with me.

And what a difference it made.

“But if you ever tell him I told you that, I’ll deny it,” I joked. “He likes everyone to think he’s a mean brute.”

A ruckus of female laughter filled the patio.

Macon stepped out just then, one hand on the door, one wrapped around his takeout. His gaze found me. So many dark promises and wicked possibilities in a single glance. His mouth curved into a crooked grin.

I felt a zing go straight to my core, and my thighs pressed together, so tightly that I thought my knees would crack.

He let out a silent laugh.


“I feel like I’m seeing Macon Green in a whole new way today, and I’ve gotta say,” Millie said as I turned back around, “it’s kind of making my head spin. Like, seriously, did he just eye-fuck you from across the patio?”

It was a good thing I hadn’t decided to take a sip of my water ’cause I would have spit it all over the table.

“Millie!” Molly scolded her, but I could see the amusement on both of their faces.

And I could not hide the rush of embarrassment that spread across my face.

“I’d say I missed that part—the very start of a relationship where everything is sex all day, every day, but…” She shrugged, grinning from ear to ear.

“She’s gonna say they’re still in that stage. Literally nothing’s changed.”

“Nope.” She laughed. “I mean, can you blame me? Have you seen my husband?”

The dynamic between Millie and Molly reminded me of Elena and me. Millie had this razor-sharp quality to her like Elena while Molly was more reserved, like me.

“My best friend reminded me that I used to refer to him as Hot Cop when I lived here. I had totally forgotten. I think I’d buried a lot of my memories from Ocracoke.”

“It’s understandable. You went through a lot,” Molly said. “But I’m glad you came back. I know it probably wasn’t an easy decision. Did Macon help you decide?”

“What?” I looked at her in confusion.

“You said you were talking for a while. I was just wondering if he was the one who helped encourage you to come back.”

My mind was racing at the speed of light, trying to catch up to her. Racing back in time to that moment on the patio.

“We’ve kept in touch a bit here and there since I moved back to Richmond, and when I got in the other night…”

“Oh, um…” I stumbled over my words. “A little, I guess. He’s been incredibly supportive.”

Not a lie. He had been incredibly supportive.

They both seemed happy enough with that answer, and I was saved from any more questions when our waitress arrived with our food, and the topic was changed.

“So, Marin, have you picked out a dress for the gala?”

Suddenly, my eyes went wide.

The gala. That was in a week.