Page 29 of The Secrets We Keep

Because I couldn’t stop thinking about Macon running off.

And it seriously pissed me off.

I’d done that man a huge-ass favor, and he’d bailed on me?

I found the gala tickets sitting on my kitchen counter and looked at the date. It was four weeks away.

Four weeks.

I’d had no timeline when I came down here. No sense of urgency, but four weeks seemed like a lifetime, especially when the last two days in this house had dragged on like an eternity.

I had known it was going to be hard, going back into that house, but the reality of it was far worse.

I’d thought I would feel Daniel everywhere in this house.

I’d thought his presence would be so overwhelming that I would drown in it.

But I’d forgotten how little he was here.

How few memories we’d actually made here.

And now, I felt even more alone.

That was how I’d ended up at Billy’s today. It used to be Daniel’s favorite place—one of the few benefits he’d gained from working remotely.

Maybe I’d feel his presence there.

We’d only lived here a few short months, but even I knew about the scandal between the captain and his wife. You’d have had to be living under a rock to not hear about how she’d gotten pregnant, cheating on him with the sheriff.

You would think, after five years, they’d leave the poor guy alone, right?

Of course not.

The minute I’d stepped on that patio, I knew I’d just walked into a standoff. Macon’s tense posture, the sheriff’s wolfish grin.

I might have eavesdropped a little.

Aside from that late-night break-in, I didn’t know the guy at all, but this? This was unacceptable.

So, I just reacted. I marched up there, butted into their conversation, and lied my ass off.

And it worked. Macon’s ex was pissed.

But then he’d just stormed off?

Without even sayingthank you?

Well, fuck that.

Ocracoke was small. When you took out the rental properties, it was even smaller. It was easy to figure out where the captain lived.

And it was time to pay him a visit.

I stepped out into the cool autumn evening, closing my door behind me. “He can take those gala tickets and shove it,” I muttered.

It didn’t take long to get there, especially when I was speed walking.

By the time I got to the front door, I was short on breath, but my temper was as long as they came.