Page 25 of The Secrets We Keep

“I didn’t realize you’d gotten a service dog,” I said to Aiden.

Although he and I barely knew each other, the blind artist seemed to know everyone’s voice, and he turned toward me as I stopped in front of them.

“Yeah, about a month ago,” he answered.

His British accent always caught me off guard. We didn’t exactly have many English folks down this way.

Well, unless you counted the dead ones in the British cemetery.

“Her name is Helen.”

Millie rolled her eyes.

Not wanting to get involved in whatever that was, I simply stood there, waiting for whatever reason it was that I had been summoned.

“He named his dog after Helen Keller. He thinks he’s hilarious.”

“Helen Keller was a badass. You’re just upset I didn’t take any of your suggestions.”

A slight grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, and I tried not to react. I did not want the wrath of Millie McIntyre.

“You hollered,” I said, giving her a pointed glance.

“Oh, right. Molly told me not to let you leave without buying a ticket. So, I didn’t.”

“To the gala?” I said.

She nodded.

“No, thanks.”

“But it’s for charity.”

“I realize that,” I said.

“And you’re a major part of the community.”

“I already give enough to this town,” I stressed. “Why would I want to dress up and waste an evening out?”

“To charm us with your award-winning personality?” She snickered while her husband tried to act invisible.

I simply stared.

“Okay, but good luck telling that to Molly.” She shrugged as she continued setting up her table.

“What? I just told it to you.”

“Look, it was my job to keep you from leaving. And that’s what I’m doing,” she explained before pointing over my shoulder. “Oh, look. There’s Molly! Bye, Macon!”

Every day, I told myself I should just move. And every damn day, I went to bed and woke up and then did the same thing over and over again.

Why do I hate myself so much?

As I was turning my head, prepared to tell Molly Jameson exactly where she could shove that gala ticket of hers, I heard that telltale sound of a female cooing.

You know the sound? The high-pitched noise a woman made when in the presence of a puppy, a designer handbag…

Or a baby.