Page 82 of Virtue

“For what?” I ask, as he pushes to his feet.

“This.” He turns toward the reception desk and yells out, “Help! We need help! She’s having a heart attack!”



I’m noton duty but everyone in this ED knows that they need to get the hell out of my way when I hear someone in distress.

I’m racing around Jordan Whitman as he sprints toward the waiting area.

I easily beat him.

People are rushing toward where Dr. Otis Carnbet is on his feet. He’s my mentor and one of my favorite people on this earth. His wife, Irene, is currently in an exam room. She was brought in my ambulance just as I was leaving the hospital. I stuck around to add my two cents to Dr. Whitman’s diagnosis.

“I’m fine,” a soft, very familiar, voice says from somewhere in the middle of the crowd. “I’m not having a heart attack.”

I say excuse me twice, before I push my way through the crowd to get to where Otis is standing.

I’m crouching immediately when I see who he’s pointing at.

My Eloise.

“What’s going on?” I toss that question out there, hoping someone is playing some sick, twisted joke on me.

Otis is the first to speak, “She’s experiencing radiating pain from her stomach through her chest. She’s flushed. Her resting heart rate is one hundred and twenty five.”

Eloise looks up at him. “You were taking my pulse when you were holding my hand?”

Otis shrugs. “It’s a trick of the trade.”

She smiles. “I’m not having a heart attack.”

He’s right about her looking flushed, so I rest a hand against her forehead. “You’re not fevered.”

“Did you forget everything I taught you?” Otis laughs. “I didn’t say she had the flu, son. I said it was a heart attack.”

I shake my head and smile. “She’s not having a heart attack.”

“How do you know that?” he questions. “Do you have a crystal ball?”

The people who had gathered around us disperse to reclaim their seats. Jordan motions for Otis to join him. “Irene can see you now.”

“She can see me whenever she damn well pleases,” he responds in a gruff tone as he sets off with his cane. “Save that young woman’s life, Dr. Morgan. Don’t make me look bad.”

As soon as he’s out of earshot, I take a seat next to Eloise. “What’s going on with your chest?”

She leans close to speak in a whispered tone. “You’ve seen it. It’s pretty special, isn’t it?”

She has no idea how fucking beautiful her tits and the rest of her are, but I’m not in the mood to joke with her.

“Dr. Carnbet said you’re experiencing chest pain.”

“For a split second. It disappeared like that.” She punctuates that with a snap of her fingers. “I’m hungry for real food, and I’m super tired. I think that’s all it is.”

“You haven’t eaten yet?”

“Just ice cream.”