Page 46 of Virtue

“Old?” He tugs at the sleeve of my jacket. “Italian made. Custom fit, and I’m guessing at least five thousand bucks for the entire look. Although, your shoes could use an upgrade.”

I don’t bother with a response because he’s dead wrong. The shoes are worth a small fortune, too. I learned a very important lesson during my days as a resident. Comfortable shoes are non-negotiable, so I’ve never spared any expense when it comes to footwear. I can thank my inheritance for that.

“Shut up, Evan.”

He laughs that off. “You were on a date, weren’t you?”

I know he won’t drop it so I throw him a bone. “I spent time with someone tonight.”

“Let’s be clear about this.” He rests a forearm on his thigh. “You’re not talking about Mr. Torres, are you?”

I glance at the doors to the CCU where Mr. Torres is now resting comfortably. A slight adjustment to his medications and a few moments spent talking about his grandchildren slowed his heartbeat enough that he was able to drift off to dreamland.

I could have left that to someone else, but he requested a few minutes of my time when one of the nurses checked in on him, so I made the trip.

The truth is that I welcomed the opportunity to come back here. I needed fresh air and a chance to catch my breath after my night with Eloise. The intensity I felt when I had my hands and mouth on her, and my cock buried in her, was overwhelming in a way I’ve never experienced before.

“Did you have a look at his file?” I ask to steer this conversation in another direction.

Evan takes the wheel immediately, charting us back on the course he set. “You had some fucking fun with someone tonight, Dr. Morgan, and it wasn’t in this hospital.”

“True.” That’s all I offer, and he accepts it greedily with a grin.

“Don’t read anything into it,” I warn with the wag of my finger in the air. “Don’t start talking marriage and kids.”

He mimes locking his lips and tossing the key.

“As if you can keep your mouth shut for longer than five seconds.” I laugh. “Say what you need to say.”

His expression turns serious. “Don’t let your job consume you, Gaines. I promise you there’s a whole lot of life to live outside of this place, and your fancy office.”

I can’t help but chuckle. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Are you done here?” He jerks a thumb toward the doors of the CCU.

“For now.”

“I need a burrito,” he says with a sigh. “I’ve had a craving all day and I know you’re going to tell me to work out or do deepbreaths to get past that urge, but it’s not that simple. Sometimes you have to give in to a craving.”

I’m aware. I gave in to mine tonight, and plan on doing it again as soon as I possibly can.

“I know a place that it’ll satisfy your craving, but you’ll get the greens you need too.”

“Sounds gross, but I’m in if you’re buying.” He pats my shoulder. “And you should be buying because who the hell can afford a suit like that?”

“I’ll buy,” I agree as I push to my feet. “We both know you can afford a suit just like this, but you spoil your wife and daughter rotten.”

“Busted.” He holds both hands up in the air as if he’s surrendering. “I’d yank the moon down from the sky and paint it blue if either of my girls wanted that.”

“I know you would.”

“You might feel that way about someone one day.” He stands, too. “I can tell you that it feels a hell of a lot better than anything you’ll accomplish as a doctor.”

That might be true for him, but it’s not for me.

I made a vow to myself to devote my life to saving others, and that hasn’t changed yet, and it never will.