Page 34 of Virtue

My hair was shorter the night I was with Eloise. My jaw was shaved clean.

I was lean and fit, but hours in the gym since have honed my muscles. My workouts, when I can fit them into my schedule, are another outlet for release.

It’s no wonder she didn’t have a clue who I was until she heard the wordlambfall from my lips.

I glance out one of the back passenger windows of the SUV I’m in. I opted for a rideshare since light rain has taken the city hostage tonight. The suit I’m wearing is one of the most expensive I own.

I bought two new suits shortly before Berk walked down the aisle to marry Astrid. I wore one to the ceremony. The one I’m in now was still in a garment bag in my closet, waiting for another special occasion.

Tonight fit the bill.

“How are you doing, sir?” The driver asks in a tone that I know is reserved for his customers who look as though they hold the promise of a good tip.

I already added a substantial one to the standard fee when I ordered the ride, but I’ll toss a few bills his way for taking the shorter route to where I’m headed.

“I’m good,” I answer honestly. “You?”

He catches my gaze in the rearview mirror. “Can’t complain.”

I nod in understanding.

“Are you on your way to a date?”

The question is expected since he’s driving toward a restaurant that’s located on the same block as Club Skyn. Themask is inside the inner pocket of my jacket, so to him I’m just a guy on my way to a good meal.

“No,” I answer succinctly because I have no fucking idea what I’m headed into.

I’m playing with fire, and I know it.

If I see Eloise there, I don’t know what the fuck I’ll do. If she’s not there, I have no interest in taking another woman into a room.

Curiosity has gotten me this far, so I’ll let it play out and see where the cards land.

“Just another block,” he announces in a cheery tone. “You’ve been a great customer.”

Since I assume I’d be a better one if that tip landed in his hand, I tug my wallet out of my pocket and slide out a few bills. I tap him on the shoulder with the money. “You’ve been a great driver.”

He doesn’t reach out and grab it. Instead, his gaze darts to the left. “I don’t know how women do it. Look at that one running in the rain in those heels. Is that a mask on her face?”

I look out the car’s window in the direction he’s now pointing at and the woman quickly weaving her way through the pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.

I’d recognize her anywhere. It’s Eloise.

“Stop!” I yell, tossing the money onto the front seat. “Stop the damn car!”

“I can’t let you out here.”

My fingers are already wrapped around the door handle. “Stop the car now!”

My foot is on the street as soon as the car lurches to a stop. I slide out and dart my way through the oncoming traffic. A symphony of horns and anger-filled voices fill the air, including the curse-laden tirade directed my way from a guy behind thewheel of a delivery truck. He has to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting me.

I ignore all of it because I need to get to her.

As soon as I’m on the sidewalk, I take off in a sprint, racing around people. Eloise never glances back or slows. I have no fucking idea who or what she’s running from but I know panic when I see it, and that’s what I’m witnessing.

We’re too close to the club for me to scream out her name, so I yell something else to get her to stop. “Hey! Slow down!”

That does nothing.