Page 80 of Virtue

I glance back at the people I just left. Penny’s gaze is pinned to us, as is Eloise’s but I know they’re for two very different reasons.

Penny is focused on her boyfriend. Eloise can’t take her eyes off of me.

Jesus. I may be the luckiest bastard in this city.

“Have fun, Dax.” I look him in the eye. “You’re good to go.”

His entire face lights up as he smiles. “It’s going to be epic. I’ve never liked a girl this much. I’m nervous as hell, but I want this. I’ve never wanted a woman more.”

I know that feeling all too well.

He pats my shoulder. “You’ve been good to me, Dr. Morgan. If I can ever do anything for you, let me know.”

“Live a long and happy life,” I tell him. “That’s all I’ll ever ask of you.”



“So, let me get this straight.”Dax points a finger at Astrid. “You’re Eloise’s cousin? Your dads are brothers.”

“They are,” Stevie steps in to answer. “It’s pretty cool, right?”

“Very cool,” Pen responds.

I glance to the entrance of the cafeteria for the third time in the past forty minutes but Gaines has yet to reappear.

I know most emergencies aren’t actually resolved in the time it takes for one of the medical drama’s episodes to stream, but I was hoping to at least stare at him for a few more minutes tonight.

As tempted as I am to text him to see if he can spare a minute for me, I fight that urge because I can’t steal his time away from someone who really needs it.

“We’re going to head out,” Mrs. Robinson says. “Thanks again for the ice cream, Astrid. I can’t believe I had dessert with the singer of Forevermore.”

Astrid smiles softly.

She wrote that song for Berk before they were married. It was the impetus for her being signed to a recording contract and once the song was released, it was downloaded millions of times.

“You’re a star,” Dax comments. “How great is that?”

“It’s so great!” Saylor laughs. “Right, Stevie?”

They may be five years apart, but the two girls bonded quickly. Mrs. Robinson exchanged contact information with Astrid so Stevie and Saylor can meet up at the park one day before the Robinsons head back to Indiana.

“We need to go home too,” Astrid says to her daughter. “It’s going to be bedtime soon.”

I’m slightly envious because I barely slept last night, but I wouldn’t trade the time I spent with Gaines last night for anything.

“Do you want to catch an Uber with us, Els?” Penny asks.

“She can go with us,” Stevie counters.

“I have to make a stop on the way home,” I tell them both. “I had a great time, though.”

Hugs are exchanged. Kind thoughts are shared, and everyone departs leaving me alone in the hospital cafeteria.

I reach for my tote that is strung over the back of the chair I was sitting in. My stomach rolls in protest. That’s what two servings of ice cream in the span of a few hours will do to me.

It’s not nearly enough to send me straight to the ED but I can pass through there on my way home, so I shoulder my tote and head in that direction.