Page 77 of Virtue

I type out and send the obvious response.

Eloise: What?

I watch the three dots bounce on the screen as she types a reply.

Stevie: I got an A+ on my report about Gaines. Mom says I can pick a treat, so do you want to go for ice cream?

The last thing I need is more ice cream, but I can’t turn the little sweetheart done, so I don’t.

Eloise: I’d love to. Name the place and time.

While I wait for her response, I tug my knitting project out of my tote. It’s a school assignment so I’ll set it aside to focus on Pen’s dress tonight. That is, if I don’t fall into bed early with a stomachache from eating too much ice cream.

I look at my phone as soon as it signals an incoming message.

Stevie: Gaines wants ice cream too, so meet us at his hospital in 30 minutes, K?

A slow smile creeps over my lips as I type out my reply and send it.

Eloise: K.

It’s not exactly a date, but I do get to see him again, so I toss my phone back on the couch to head to my bedroom to change out my T-shirt for my favorite black and white polka dot blouse.

“You’re Eloise, right?”

I stop mid-step to greet the man approaching me. “That’s right. You’re Dr. Sexton?”

“Correct.” He looks me over, taking in my blouse, jeans and the three inch black boots I tugged on for this meet up at the hospital.

I give his outfit a glance but’s it typical doctor attire. His blue scrubs are covered with a white coat. His name and position as a trauma surgeon are stamped across his left chest.

He’s an incredibly good-looking man, but I don’t feel anything spark inside of me the way I do when I get a look at Gaines.

“I take it you’re here to see Dr. Morgan?”

For a second I wonder if Gaines confided in him about me. Are they friends? Did Gaines tell this man that he’s seeing someone? That the someone is me?

Before I can answer, he explains the question, “I noticed you speaking with him at the coffee shop the day we met.”

“Right.” I nod.

“So you are here to see him?”

“Eloise!” Stevie’s voice turns me around.

I catch her and Astrid entering the hospital. Stevie lets out a giggle when she realizes that the high ponytail on her head matches the one on mine.

“I should go,” I say to Dr. Sexton.

“It was nice to see you again, Eloise.” He glances over my shoulder. “Say hi to Gaines for me when you see him.”

“I will,” I say as he starts to walk away.

“Who was that?” Stevie asks as soon as she’s close enough to whisper the question. “He looked like one of those doctors from the shows my mom watches at night.”

Astrid and I laugh in unison, before she responds. “Daddy watches those shows too. We like learning about medicine.”

“Uh huh.” Stevie crosses her arms. “I think he wants to be Eloise’s new boyfriend.”