Page 74 of Virtue

She must be coming straight from work because she’s wearing a pair of royal blue pants and a matching blouse.

“Your hair.” She stops just short of where I’ve stopped to wait for her. “What are those pins and where can I get some?”

My hand trails over my messy bun. I pinned my hair up after Gaines left this morning. I didn’t have time to dry it completely, so I twisted it into a knot and used the two hairpins that used to belong to my Aunt Becky.

“They’re vintage.” I proudly display them as I bend my head forward to give her a clear view. “Do you like them?”

“I love them.” She sighs. “I’m always looking for treasures like that, but I don’t have the time to scour the vintage shops the way I want to.”

I make a mental note to text Daxton later to suggest he set out on a hunt for hairpins like the ones I now own.

It would the perfect gift for her.

“Did you want to get an early dinner?” Penny asks. “I have to work tonight.”

We start in the direction of my apartment. “You have to go back to the office tonight?”

“No.” She lets out a heavy exhale. “Someone ordered a pet portrait from my Etsy shop. They sent me a few pictures of their cat this morning.”

She taps the screen of her phone to bring up a trio of pictures of a black and white cat. “She’s cute, right?”

Nodding, I smile. “Very. I’m happy for you.”

“It’s my passion.” She tucks her phone back in the purse that is slung over her shoulder. “Speaking of passion, have you experienced any lately. I’m talking the between the sheets kind.”

Have I ever.

When I was getting dressed earlier, I took extra care when I slid my panties on because my pussy physically ached a little. It still does, but I can’t tell if that’s the lingering feeling of Gaines’s punishing thrusts, or if my body just wants more.

It has to be a combination of both.

I take a play from Dr. Morgan’s handbook and expertly avoid answering the direct question just volleyed at me. “Have you?”

I already know the answer since I’m one hundred percent certain that when she gets in bed with Daxton, I’ll hear about it.

“Soon,” she confirms what I suspected. “I’m booked in for a wax two days before that because smooth is sexy.”

I’ve always followed that motto, so I smile.

We walk in silence, until I say what I know she wants to hear, “I started on your dress.”

She stops mid-step to turn and look at me. “Really?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“Can I see it?”

I shake my head. “Not yet. It’s bare bones right now, Pen.”

“You’ll let me know when I can see it, right?” Her eyes sparkle in the late afternoon sun. The gold flecks play off the color of her hair. “If you can’t tell, I’m eager.”

“Really?” I joke with a shocked expression.

She slaps my arm playfully. “I don’t want to creep you out, Els, but you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”

My heart breaks a little at that confession because I felt that way about someone once too, and since they’ve been gone from my life, I haven’t allowed myself to make many new friends.

I consider my classmates friends, and my former roommates definitely fit that bill, but I haven’t had a very close friend, other than Astrid, in awhile.