Page 49 of Virtue

Compared to the sex I had last night, I highly doubt it.

My number isn’t high, but I’ve never had an experience like that when a man has been inside me.

Fucking Gaines was all consuming. I still feel sore in places I’ve never felt before.

“Dr. Morgan!” Penny calls out as soon as he’s turned in our direction.

His gaze catches hers first before it lands on mine.

He gifts me with a small smile.

I steel myself with a deep breath as he approaches us.

Heads turns as he passes because he is seriously a sight to behold.

“Look who it is,” he greets us. “Pen and Els.”

Penny lets out a squeal. “You know our nicknames?”

Half of the hospital staff does. Penny isn’t the most subdued person I’ve ever met. When she’s in a room, everyone knows it. This café is proof of that. The heads that turned at the sight of Dr. Morgan are now focused on Penny’s brilliant smile.

Dr. Morgan skirts around the nickname question with effortless ease. “What brings you two to this part of the city?”

“Dress shopping,” Penny blurts out. “I’m looking for something special for a dinner date with Dax.”

I hold my breath, expecting her to share that the date is a prelude to their first fuck, but she holds back.

“Good,” Dr. Morgan says to her while keeping his gaze pinned to me.

“You’re probably wondering about what happened to Els.” Penny reaches over to tap a finger on the bandage on my forehead.

I wince.

Gaines does too.

“A devil was chasing her,” Penny informs him. “He wanted her number but can you blame him? Just look at her.”

Dr. Morgan mouths the words “I am.”

Penny doesn’t notice because her gaze has wandered to a man in a white coat with a stethoscope slung around his neck. “That’s him. I think that’s Dr. Sexy.”

I tilt my head to get a better look.

He’s definitely handsome. He’s a couple of inches shorter than Gaines, but judging by the way the T-shirt he’s wearing under his coat clings to his body, he’s just as fit. His brown hair is the perfect complement to his hazel eyes.

A smile floats over his lips when he catches us looking in his direction.

“It’s Sexton,” Gaines corrects Pen. “Dr. Logan Sexton.”

“Right,” Pen responds but doesn’t tear her gaze from Dr. Sexton. “That’s the one I was telling you about, Els. He’s hot and single.”

I glance at Gaines to find his eyes pinned to me. I know he’s waiting for me to respond to my friend, but before I can do that, Penny is talking again.

“Let’s go say hi to him,” she suggests. “We can strike up a random conversation. I know. Ask him how he takes his coffee, Els. Men love when you do that.”

“They don’t,” Gaines says under his breath.

“It was good seeing you, Dr. Morgan.” Penny tugs on my arm without a glance at Gaines. “We know you’re busy so bye for now.”