Page 23 of Virtue

There’s relief there now. Her son will be fine.

“Mrs. Robinson,” I say her name as I reach the trio.

“Hi, Doctor.” Saylor holds out her hand.

It’s become our new greeting. A quick handshake followed by a high five.

We complete the routine before I turn to face Eloise. “Hello, Eloise.”

“Hi,” she says without a glance at me.

She’s missing out. I chose a navy blue button-down shirt today and light gray slacks. The color of my shirt is a close match to the short-sleeve sweater she’s wearing. Her top button is undone giving me a bird’s eye view of what looks like pink lace trim on her bra.

“I didn’t think we’d see you today.” Mrs. Robinson smiles. “I was under the impression that you’d be at your office all day.”

“I had a cancellation so I came in for a cardio consult in the ED.” I see no reason to lie. “I’m heading back to my office shortly. How’s our patient?”

I sneak a glimpse at Eloise, but her focus is squarely on the bag in her hand.

She comes bearing gifts, again.

First it was Penny, then Stevie, and now, I suspect Saylor is in for a treat.

“Let’s go in and see him,” Mrs. Robinson suggests. “Can you stay for a second to watch Saylor, Eloise?”

“Of course,” she answers in a whisper soft tone. “We’ll go to the waiting area down the hall.”

They head in that direction. I follow Daxton’s mother into his private room and when I do manage one last glance back I finally catch Eloise looking my way.



My head popsup as soon as I hear footsteps on the approach.

I know it’s not Dr. Morgan headed toward this waiting room. His wingtip shoes tap out a staccato beat on the floor that I recognized when he was coming at me from behind less than fifteen minutes ago.

I was waiting to talk to Mrs. Robinson and Saylor so I could hand off the care package I put together for the little girl before I went to school this morning.

The small bag contained a tiny knitted yellow sweater designed to fit her lamb, although she tugged it over the head of her stuffed dog. It served the purpose she wanted it to, so she rewarded me with a huge hug.

The crayons and coloring books I tucked into the bag brought a grin to her face as did the fruit cup that I picked up at a bodega near school before I got on the subway to come here.

“Mommy!” Saylor slides out of my lap and dashes toward her mom as soon as she comes into view. “Where’s our doctor?”

Mrs. Robinson chuckles lightly. “Dr. Morgan had to go look after other people, sweetie.”

“I get it,” she nods. “Can we go now?”

“In a little while.” Mrs. Robinson settles her daughter with a rake of her fingers through Saylor’s hair. “Daxton will be discharged soon and then we can go back to his apartment.”

“Goody!” The little girl jumps up and down. “I can’t wait!”

I glide to my feet because this is the perfect moment for me to leave. I have a class in less than an hour that I absolutely can’t miss.

“I need to run,” I say to both of them.

“Wait.” Mrs. Robinson raises a hand in the air to halt me even though I haven’t taken a step forward yet. “Daxton would like to speak with you. Do you have a minute for that, Eloise?”