Page 18 of Virtue

“Is it Philip?” Stevie asks excitedly. “If it is, tell him I said hi.”

I’d suggest she tell him to go to hell, but that’s envy speaking. Lucky Philip landed a spot in Eloise’s life for longer than the hour I did.

“It’s Penny,” she announces as I round the corner and stop just out of their view.

I lean my back against the wall and suck in a deep breath.

“A new friend?” Astrid asks as I tug my phone out of my pocket.

I scan the screen and delete the message immediately. It’s another offer from my credit card company. I have everything I need so I ignore it, as I always do.

“We met at Atlas 22 the other night,” Eloise fills her in. “She wants to meet up for a drink. Would it be okay if I…”

“Go,” Astrid interrupts her. “It’s almost bedtime for our girl and I’m sure Gaines is on his way out too. A doctor’s work is never done.”

“Right.” Eloise follows that up with a light chuckle.

There’s a hint of relief wrapped in it.

“You’ll tell Philip I said hi, right?” Stevie questions her as the sound of chairs being pushed back from the table fills the air.

“I will,” Eloise assures her. “Thank you all for dinner.”

“I’ll tell Gaines you said bye,” Astrid’s voice fades as they make their exit toward the foyer.

I step closer to the corner, hoping to catch Eloise’s reply but I can’t quite make it out.

Needing a minute to compose myself, I head to the main floor bathroom for a quick splash of cool water on my face. It’s a prelude to the cold shower I’ll need to take once I’m back home.

Being in the same room as Eloise tonight was enough to put me in a state of need. I want that gone now. I have to find a way to chase it away forever because I can’t touch that beauty again.



“I didsome research while I was at the hospital today.” Penny taps the center of her phone’s screen. “Dr. Morgan is a legend.”

You’re preaching to the choir, Pen.

Since I know (or hope) she’s not talking about his skills in a private room at Club Skyn, I opt for the glaringly obvious choice in my reply, “I’ve heard he’s a pretty great doctor.”

Heard translates to know in that sentence because, I also online searched the hell out of the man after I saw him sneak out of Astrid and Berk’s wedding. Who wouldn’t after spotting him across the room?

Dr. Morgan was decked out in a navy blue three-piece suit and a stunning checkered silk tie. He must have forgotten what a comb was that day because his hair looked like he’d gotten in a fight with his barber, but he somehow won.

It was messy but sexy as hell.

“Pretty great doctor?” Pen runs her finger over the rim of her glass.

I think she’s drinking an old-fashioned, but I wasn’t here to witness her ordering it. I opted for sparkling water because I have an early class tomorrow, and a lot of work to do on a knitted piece before that.

I shrug. “That’s what I heard.”

“His contributions to medical journals have been cited by some pretty important physicians,” she tells me something I already know. “He went to bat for a patient who was denied coverage by their insurance company. He got them to change their mind about a procedure the patient needed in order to live.”

She’s got the facts a little jumbled about the insurance case, but the bottom line is Dr. Morgan goes all out for the people he treats. Some people have called him a savior on an online forum dedicated to medical professionals in Manhattan.

I take a sip of water. “He seems like a nice guy.”