Page 17 of Virtue

I take a deep breath in an effort to quell my nerves.

How can Dr. Morgan possibly remember a brief encounter he had at the club with me over two years ago? He was comfortable there. He knew exactly which corridor led to the private rooms.

He had been there before. I’m very sure he’s been there since.

All I am is a very distant memory to him. That’s all I’ll ever be.



The one nightthat I want my goddamn phone to sound an alarm and it’s silent. Dead silent. I haven’t gotten a notification in over an hour. I checked the fucking thing twice to make sure it was working.

I glance to where Eloise is sitting next to Stevie.

She only ate half of the piece of lasagna Astrid served her and barely indulged in the decadent cheesecake she brought for dessert.

The cardiologist in me skipped it altogether.

Eloise hasn’t looked my way but I attribute that to Stevie. She chatted up a storm throughout dinner keeping the entire table entranced with her stories about the kids she goes to school with and her plans to become a doctor who knits sweaters, sing songs, and publishes books.

Her desire to include the professions of every person at the table was admirable. Stevie does her part to wrap her arms around anyone who enters her orbit, whether that’s literally or by welcoming them with words.

“What color is that?” Astrid cranes her neck to get a better view of the impromptu manicure that is taking place.

Eloise lifts her left hand to wiggle her fingers. “Metallic blue.”

The soft light from the chandelier hanging above the dining room table bounces off the thin silver ring on her thumb.

The link design is unique and another reminder of that night.

I can’t shake the image of that hand wrapped around my cock as she took me in her mouth. The cool bite of metal circling her thumb was a sharp contrast to my throbbing dick.

I shut my eyes to will that image away.

“I can do yours next, Mom,” Stevie offers.

“I’d love that,” Astrid responds with nothing but love in her voice.

She’s Stevie’s stepmom but their bond is unbreakable. It’s rooted in every moment they’ve spent together.

“What about you, Gaines?” Stevie laughs. “Do you want me to paint your nails tonight?”

I smile at the kid. “I would but my boss will fire me. No nail polish allowed while I’m on duty.”

She pouts. “Your boss is no fun.”

I can’t argue that point. The head of cardiology takes the job seriously, as he should. I’m under his watch when I’m in the hospital. My private practice falls under the umbrella of my control. I’m slowly building that up.

By the grace of God my phone finally perks up, sounding a chime that lures every face at the table toward me, except Eloise.

She stares at her fingernails as if it’s the first time she’s seen polish on them. I know that’s not a fact because they were painted a dark shade of crimson the night we met.

Without even glancing at the screen, I push back from the table, and lie, “I’m expecting an update on a patient. I’ll be back shortly.”

Before I can exit the room, another phone buzzes.

“Oh, that’s me,” Eloise says.