Page 10 of Virtue

Penny tugsthe sweater she bought from me out of the white paper bag I used to deliver it to her when we met up almost an hour ago. Since it’s a cardigan, she puts it on over the white blouse she’s wearing.

“I really like that,” Saylor remarks from where she’s sitting next to Penny across the table from me in the hospital’s cafeteria. “Can I have one?”

I look her over. “I can knit you one just like it.”

Her cheeks blush. “Thank you, Els, but I meant that bag. Can I have one just like that?”

I laugh as I watch Penny plop the bag in Saylor’s lap. “It’s all yours, cutie.”

“My name is Saylor,” she corrects Penny.

My name is Eloise, but I’m going with the nickname flow and learning to embrace beingElswhen I’m aroundPen.

Saylor kisses her stuffed lamb and drops it in the bag. “Night night, Piggie.”

“Your lamb is named Piggie?” Penny asks.

“Yup.” Saylor takes another bite of the donut I picked out for her. I opted for a small salad with chicken strips on the side, the requested banana and a glass of milk, too.

She polished the lunch portion off quickly before she started on the donut covered in pink icing and candy sprinkles. She’s savoring every bite of that.

“Do you have a stuffed pig?” Penny keeps the conversation on that track.

I can’t say I blame her. After Mrs. Robinson explained that Daxton has a genetic heart condition and requires a procedure to have a device implanted to regulate his heart beat, this discussion with Saylor has lightened my mood, and I suspect Penny’s, too.

She comforted Mrs. Robinson with a huge hug before we left the CCU to head here to give her a much needed moment with her son.

“Stuffed with what?” Saylor asks before she shoves another piece of the sugary treat into her mouth.

Penny winks at me before she rephrases her question, “Do you have a pet pig?”

Saylor nods as she points at her mouth. “Can’t talk. Chewing.”

I glance over my shoulder hoping to catch a glimpse of Dr. Morgan but I highly doubt the man eats at this cafeteria. He looks like he has at least a six pack under his shirts.

“I do have a pet pig,” Saylor announces. “He’s named Giraffe.”

Penny laughs. “I’d love to meet him someday.”

“Are you going to marry my brother, Pen?”

Penny’s eyes widen as her mouth falls open.

I take the lead because promising anything to a four-year-old and not delivering is a recipe for disaster. “Penny and Dax are brand new friends.”

“Like we are?” Saylor looks to Penny before her blue eyes stall on my face. “You two are my brand new friends.”

“We are.” I reach across the table to squeeze her hand. “If you finish up we can take you back up to see your mom.”

“There’s my other brand new friend!” Saylor’s out of her seat and whizzing past me with the paper bag in her hand before I realize what’s happening.

I’m on my feet in an instant, chasing her down.

Grateful that I’m wearing sneakers and not heels, I race after her.

I’m only two steps behind her when she reaches her destination. It’s Dr. Morgan’s arms.

He scoops her up so quickly that the bag in her hand falls open and her toy tumbles to the cafeteria floor.