Page 73 of Love Contract

Theo’s forces herself to meet my eyes. She bites her lip and, very softly, she says, “You liked what you heard?”

I lean forward, arm across the top of the doorframe. “Extremely.”

Theo’s eyes drop once more, lingering on the obvious outline of my cock through my pants.

“Jesus,”she mutters.

I’ll admit, it makes me feel good to note that what I’m packing is bigger than the pink thing in her hand.

If Theo was making those noises with her vibrator, I wonder what soundsIcould get her to make…

Slow your roll, Sully. You just talked about this—literally two hours ago. You’re not having sex.

Which means…I’ll have to settle for second best.

“I’ve got some double-As in the kitchen,” I offer. “I don’t want you to go to bed anxious.”

“How generous. Unfortunately,” Theo says with great dignity, “it’s broken.”


“Would you like me to take a look?”

She considers then thrusts the two halves of the vibrator into my hands.

She must be desperate. Or this is her favorite.

The silicone is still warm from her body, which is highly distracting. I examine the motor, the casing.

“It snapped.” I show her the piece. But can’t resist adding, “Pressing a little hard, were we?”

She stares me down. “Don’t make this worse.”

I pass her the vibrator, deeply disappointed. “I don’t think I can fix it.”

My regret is real. What I wouldn’t give to hear the finale of that particular show…

Then a wicked thought occurs.

“You know…I could help you finish?”

Theo’s shoulders hunch as she clutches the vibrator to her chest. “We can’t have sex. We just talked about this.”

I know.

“It’s not sex. It’s just…a helping hand.”

The corners of her mouth turn down, but I think she’s hiding a smile, not a frown. “You’re impossible.”

“I’m flexible. And completely discreet…no one has to know that you let your fake boyfriend touch you for real.”

We’re all alone in the house. The silence is complete, the sense of isolation both safe and tempting. Theo’s bedroom waits, the nest of her sheets already tousled and open…

I count the beats of her pulse in the hollow of her throat.

“Alright,” she whispers.

Excitement flares, hot and swift. I tamp it down, slipping my arm around her waist.