I’ve never had a crush on Sullivan.
Yes, I used to stare at him a lot in math class. But with pure hatred, I promise you.
He was surly, aggressive, arrogant, demanding…and clearly, nothing has changed.
This fluttering in my stomach, it’s just nerves. And confusion. He’s being very confusing. That’s all it is.
“Why are we dancing?” I mutter. “I thought you wanted to meet Angus?”
“I will,” Sullivan says with maddening calm.
At that very moment, my boss appears atmyelbow.
“Angus!” I squeak.
“Theo…” He glances curiously between Sullivan and me. “You never dance. Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Sullivan Rivas.” Sullivan holds out his hand.
To my shock, Angus actually shakes it. He must be distracted, trying to puzzle out this mystery of why his assistant is suddenly soft-shoeing like Ginger Rogers on the arm of Fred Astaire.
“He’s an old friend,” I supply.
“Come on, Theo…” Sullivan wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me tightly against his side. “You can tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Angus asks, even more intrigued.
“That we’re dating,” Sullivan says smoothly.
I turn and stare at him, hoping he can read the silent “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?”that I’m broadcasting with my eyeballs.
I’m pretty sure he can read it, but he ignores me.
“She didn’t want to tell you,” Sullivan explains. “She was afraid you’d think her work would suffer. But obviously, it hasn’t. I mean, look at this party…”
“I love the flowers…” Angus nods serenely. “Very futuristic.”
Then he turns on me, reproachful.
“But, Theo! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend!”
“You know this job means everything to her…” Sullivan gives my hip a squeeze to remind me of exactly that.
“How long has this been going on?” Angus shakes his finger at me like I’m his naughty teenaged daughter.
“Six months,” Sullivan supplies. “The best six months of my life.”
If I didn’t know what a whopper that was, I’d actually believe him. He’s scarily convincing.
Angus swallows it, hook, line, and sinker.
“I’m really glad to hear that.” He rests a heavy hand on my shoulder. “I worry about you, Theo. She’s all alone, you know, ever since?—“
“I’m glad you’re not mad,” I interrupt. “Sorry, I should have told you sooner. You know how it is when it’s a new, fresh thing and you’re really not sure if it’s going to work out.”
I shoot a filthy glare at Sullivan.
“Oh, it’s gonna work out.” He pulls me closer. “Theo’s a keeper. I really am a lucky guy.”