Page 147 of Love Contract

He’s not getting the reaction he expected. Angus brought me here to confront me, expose me. Maybe some other day we could have had an epic battle of wits and deceit. But I don’t want to lie anymore.

Angry and confused, he sputters, “I don’t believe you! But I’ll still give you what you want as long as I get whatIwant, too.”

“What’s that?”

“I want Theo back.” He glares at me, chin lowered. “I want her back in the office, working like she used to. I’ll buy your property—I’ll sign the deed right now. But I want you to break up with her.”

There it is.

The solution, offered to me on a platter like a golden apple.

It would be so easy to say yes. For all I know, Theo and I are already broken up. Hell, we never actually “dated” in the first place. It would be the simplest thing in the world to say,Sure, no problem, let me call her right now…

A five second phone call, and I could have everything I dreamed of.

The only problem is…that’s not what I dream about anymore.

Now when I fall asleep, I sink into eyes the color of an indigo sky, pearlescent skin pale as moonlight, and a river of jet-black hair. I see a dimple that flickers like starlight, and I hear a voice softer and sweeter than any music…

I dream of Theo.

And that dream is more precious to me than anything I own, including every inch of this land surrounding us.

I won’t betray that dream, not for Angus, not for anything.

I won’t betrayher.

“I’m not going to break up with Theo. I’m not even going to pretend to do it.”

Angus blinks, his head tilted like a robot that can’t compute. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

He really can’t believe it. The kind of money we’re talking about is the kind of money Angus could use to buy anything…

Except this.

“I love her,” I say. “And I’m not going to break up with her, not now, not ever. If she wants to keep working for you, that’s her choice. But I’m going to tell her she should quit because you never appreciated her one minute that you had her. I’m not going to make the same mistake.”

Angus stares at me blankly. He still doesn’t get it.

I turn my back on him and leave him there, on the land that would have been perfect for Angus’ dream, if he could only see it.



Ispend all night crying on Martinique’s shoulder. In the morning, I know what I have to do.

First, I write out my resignation letter to Angus. I’ll give Sully one more day to close his deal, but after that, I’m quitting. I don’t care if I’m broke and homeless, I’m not working for Angus anymore.

Then, I go for a very long walk. I walk all the way down to the Santa Monica Pier, right to the end, and sit with my toes dangling over the ocean, watching the waves break against the pilings.

I sit there until the sun toasts my shoulders and my feet are freezing. All the while, I’m composing what to say to Sullivan.

When I pull out my phone to text him, it vibrates in my hand, startling me so badly I almost drop it in the ocean. My fingers shake as I answer.
