Page 74 of Love Contract

“Come lie down.”

I haven’t been in here since Theo unpacked. I like how she’s made the space her own—books on the nightstand, sprigs of lavender in a mason jar. The room smells fresh, like a living thing.

Theo’s T-shirt barely covers anything, her bare legs flashing beneath. Her hair hangs loose down her back. When she gets ready for work in the morning, she twists it into a neat bun atthe base of her neck. Unbound, it’s black as tar and surprisingly wild. Her thighs are moon pale.

Her room is dim. Theo slips through the shadows, graceful as a deer. She reaches the bed and turns, eyes wide and nervous all of a sudden, like she’s lost confidence.

But the scent of arousal rises off her skin and from every fold of her sheets… It curls in my nostrils and snakes down into my lungs, honey and spice, the sweet, animal smell of Theo…

I cup her jaw in my palm, and we fall into the bed together. Her hand touches my bare chest. Her palm is so soft that the moment she touches me, the rest of my skin wakes up, hoping to feel more.

My fingertips trail down her face, down her body, over the ancient cotton T-shirt to its tattered hem. My hand lingers at the border of fabric and smooth, pale thigh.

I know, I just fucking know, there’s no underwear beneath.

I’m inches away from Theo’s most sensitive, most vulnerable place.

I look upward first, checking her face while my hand hesitates.

“Is this okay?”

“Yes,” Theo says, low, soft, and clear. “Finish me off.”

I lift the hem of her T-shirt like a velvet curtain. What I find beneath is better than any Broadway show…

Theo has the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.

It’s already warm and wet and swollen from the vibrator, lips flushing pink… She’s delicate as a tea rose, soft petals and the shy little nub of her clit.

I part her thighs and stroke the back of my hand lightly over her silky mound. Theo lets out a long sigh, her hips lifting up…

I turn my hand over and slide my fingertips down her pussy lips, bringing my thumb back up to stroke under her clit…

Each touch sends shivers sweeping down her legs. Theo sinks into her pillow, back arching, chin tilted up. Her nipples point hard through the front of her T-shirt.

“You’re so soft…” I murmur as I stroke her clit with my thumb. “You’re such a soft, good girl…”

Theo curls against me in the nest of her bed. Her face turns against my neck, and she takes deep, slow breaths.

I stroke my thumb up and down, finding the wetness below, massaging it into her clit.

Her texture is like rose petals, like new, soft leaves…

I sink against her, breathing her in, Theo’s scent and softness all around me, her sheets and naked limbs, and most of all, this melting pussy beneath my hand…

My fingers slide up and down, her little pink clit pinched between. I press and rub and tease and massage, watching the reactions on her face.

Theo is responsive, her gasps and sighs a kind of music. I don’t know if she’s leading or I am, but neither one of us can stop.

Her cheeks are flushed, her lashes fluttering. When her eyes open and lock on mine, I drown in blue.

“Don’t stop,” she begs.

“Not for a billion dollars.”

I slip a finger inside her. Her whole body clenches, her arms drawing in tight, her pussy squeezing around my hand. She gasps like I hit her with a douse of cold water.

Impulsively, I kiss her.