Page 122 of Love Contract

She does. But I should not have done that because that was the same hand I used to touch her, and it smells like Theo’s pussy. Now I’m even more turned on when we’re supposed to be entering a movie theater in twenty seconds.

Theo also did not expect the theater to arrive so fast. She hastily tries to fix her hair.

Camera lights are flashing. The number of famous faces is a hell of a lot more than at the Mountie show.

“Look at that!” I say. “An actual red carpet.”

“Could it be?” A grin spreads across Theo’s face. “Could this actually be?—“

“Don’t say it,” I interrupt. “Don’t jinx it.”

Instead, Theo slips her hand back into mine.

As we step onto the carpet, we’re blinded by flashing lights.

Shouts of, “Reese, Reese!” and “Rocko!” show that I’m being mistaken for my brother. There’s a ripple of confusion andsurprise when I join him, followed by a fresh burst of camera flashes.

My brother’s grinning fit to split his face. If nothing happens beyond this, at least I know in this moment Reese is happy.

He sweeps Theo up in his arms, hugging her. “Can you believe all this? Wait until you see the pilot, Theo, it’s so fucking rad. My character’s got this tragic backstory, you don’t find out until season two, but it’s real dark stuff, it’s why he acts out, you know, when he feels?—“

“We’re going to watch it in two seconds,” I remind him.

“I know, I’m just setting the stage…”

“Shh,” I say loudly as the theater lights go down.

Reese takes his seat, gleeful as a kid.

I’m feeling pretty excited, too, until the show begins to play, and I realize that my brother has found a way to fuck me over spectacularly once again.



The lights go down, plunging the theater into darkness but not into silence because the premier is packed, and most of the actors are still chattering excitedly with their guests. It’s only once the episode begins to play that a flurry of shushes quiet the last whisperers.

I’m sitting between Sully and Reese, a rather overwhelming pair of bookends. Sullivan is intimidating enough all on his own, and while Reese is a friendlier presence, the ways in which he’s like and unlike his brother can be disorienting.

Martinique was furious that Jessica duties kept her away from her date. Since Reese is tagging along to the listening party, she only has two wait a few more days to meet him.

Merrick likewise cancelled, citing illness. Sully seemed to think that was only an excuse—apparently it’s like pulling teeth to get his dad to attend even the most minor of social events. I suppose a glitzy premiere is about the worst thing imaginable for him—sure to dredge up bittersweet memories of attending the same sorts of events with his wife.

But I don’t think it was an excuse this time. He really did look exhausted and ill when we finished cleaning out the pool the other day.

Reese is the exact opposite—so incandescently excited that it would take something close to a zombie apocalypse to ruin his night.

Sully is adorably nervous. I think he’d give a kidney to secure a second season for his brother’s show.

From the very first shot, I have a feeling that no organ donation will be required. The pilot is stunning.

It’s lush and gory and dramatic. Reese is almost unrecognizable in his Roman armor—he has to nudge me and point to himself on-screen before I cotton on.

“That’s weird…” I say to Sully under my breath. “He looks like you.”

“Almost identical, some people say.”

“Oh, shut up, you know what I mean.”