Page 16 of Grimstone

She’s solid in my arms, warm from the sun. Even her blood is bright and vivid.

I have my own tool bag, a lot sleeker than hers. I grab my doctor’s kit and lay her down on the couch in my living room.

“I’ll get blood on the cushions.” She struggles to rise.

“Shut up and lie back.” I push her down. “I don’t give a fuck about the cushions—and I assume you don’t give a fuck about these shorts.”

I cut them off with shears, baring the underwear beneath. She’s wearing a white cotton thong, and she’d have to be a lot closer to death for me to fail to notice how it clings to her pussy lips and the little nub in between…

That’s all the time I have to perv before professionalism takes over. I move her filthy hand, relieved to see there’s no arterial spray, just heavy bleeding from a ragged cut.

I irrigate the gash on her inner thigh, cleaning out the dirt and splinters.

Remi stays silent and still, though her face has gone gray. I think that’s from squeamishness, not blood loss—she’s staring at the wound, transfixed.

“I’ve never…seen inside myself before,” she croaks.

The raw flesh could be a lot worse—she didn’t sever any major veins.

“I’m going to give you a shot so this won’t hurt so much.”

She nods, her lower lip trembling.

I inject Novocaine around the wound then a shot of Demerol in her arm to calm her down. By the time I’ve got the sutures ready, her breathing has slowed.

She sits up on the cushions, leg extended. Her eyes flit down to her exposed underwear, and her face reddens.

“Thank you,” she mutters. “For fixing me up.”

“Can’t have you dying in my yard.”

When I glance up, our faces are closer than I expected.

I’m struggling with something that’s never happened to me before…

I’m really fucking turned on.

I’ve been turned on before, of course, but never while attending to a patient. I don’t know if it’s because I was stroking my cock two seconds before she hurt herself, but I’m still extremely aroused.

Blood doesn’t bother me. Whatdoesaffect me is the scent of Remi’s sweat and her warm flesh under my hands. Her body is firm and overheated from all that labor, her scent is everywhere in the air, sweat and copper and her own unique skin.

I’ve never had to focus so hard just to put in some simple stitches. My cock isn’t calming down—I shift my weight to hide the fact that it’s swelling every time my hands touch her body.

Her legs are spread, the injured thigh propped up on the cushions, the uninjured leg bent over the edge of the couch. I kneel on the ground, hands high up on her leg, the tight delta of her pussy inches from my face. Only millimeters of cotton prevent me turning my head and swiping my tongue in her warmest, wettest place. If I breathe slowly through my nose, I can smell the faintest hint of her sweet, sweet cunt.

I’ve never smelled a woman’s pussy before I’ve even kissed her lips. It takes everything I have not to hook my finger under the cotton gusset and pull it to the side so I can see if her pussy is as velvety as the rest of her skin…if it’s pink inside or dark like her nipples…

Even the sutures are starting to turn me on. I plunge the needle into her flesh and pull it tight, closing the gash. I’m penetrating her with biting steel and fine thread, leaving something of mine inside of her for the next seven to ten days until the stitches come out.

Remi watches, her eyes fixed on my hands. She won’t look away. I wish she would, so I could confirm if that little nub between her pussy lips is metal or flesh…

When I’m finished, her eyes move to my face. Hers are blue green with black rings around the iris, like the wings of a blue morpho butterfly. It’s her only feature I’d call truly lovely, and yet I’ve never felt attraction quite like this. Her blood is under my fingernails. Her scent fills my lungs.

“I know it’s asking a lot,” she says. “But I’m also gonna need a pair of pants.”

* * *