Page 78 of Grimstone

I wink at Remi on that last part to let her know I’m full of shit.

“Wish he would have taken it,” Remi says, trying to hide her smile.

Guilt overcomes her amusement, and she kneels by Tom’s limp body. “Is he okay?”

I kneel beside her, mostly just to get closer. She smells like soap and cinnamon and her own bright scent, orange juice and firecrackers.

“Get away from him!” Emma snaps as I lift Tom’s eyelid with my thumb.

“I am a doctor,” I remind her.

Emma seems torn. “Well…is he okay?”

“Completely fine,” I say as Tom rolls over and vomits into the gutter. “That’s good for him.”

It probably is since the vomit looks like a six-pack and not much else.

“You’re cleaning that up,” Atlas informs the lot of us, turning to ascend the grand stone steps of the hotel.

“Don’t you want to meet Remi?” I stand and thrust her forward. “She’s new to Grimstone.”

“Saw her from a block away.” Atlas casts a disdainful look backward at her violet hair.

“Nice to meet you!” Remi calls up to him.

“Hm,” Atlas grunts before disappearing inside.

“Wow,” Remi says, amused. “So, you’re actually thenicebrother.”

“Atlas makes it pretty much assured.”

“Are you going to help me or not?” Emma says waspishly as she tries to hoist her dazed and vomit-spattered cousin.

“Not,” I say at the same time as Remi chirps, “Of course!”

Remi gets under one of Tom’s freckled arms, and I grudgingly take the other, though this is far more intimate contact with his armpit than I ever hoped to achieve. I wish I’d at least had the pleasure of knocking him out if I have to haul him back to his truck.

As I shove him into the backseat, he groans and his eyes open halfway.

I lean over to murmur into his ear, “If you think I’m capable of slaughtering my own family, you should be a fuck of a lot more afraid of what I’ll do to you if you so much as breathe on Remi again.”

Then I close the truck door in his face.

Emma retrieves Tom’s ball cap, which rolled away into the street.

“I guess I’ll drive him home,” she says sulkily. “I wanted to see your place…”

“Come over later,” Remi says. “You can bring Tom if he’s feeling better.”

She casts a quick, guilty glance in my direction like she’s hoping I won’t take that the wrong way.

There’s no right way to take it—I don’t want Tom Turner near her, ever. Or anyone else with a dick and a pulse. Or a pussy and a pulse, actually—Emma may be a foot shorter than Tom, but she’s a hell of a lot sneakier and just as interest in Remi.

And much more interested in fucking me over. She gives me a malicious little smirk over Remi’s shoulder as she hugs her. “See you soon.”

Once I’ve gotten rid of the cousins, the day looks a whole lot brighter. Or pleasantly overcast, depending on your point of view.

“It’s funny being out in the real world with you.” Remi takes my arm so we can walk comfortably together beneath the umbrella.