Page 32 of Grimstone


I could have guessed that from the way he wobbled into the yard. I bite my tongue on the probability of him getting pancaked by a semi-truck, and also on the stupidity of him not wearing a helmet, but can’t hold back, “How much did that cost?” with queasy concern for his college fund.

He shoves down the kickstand. “Relax, eight hundred bucks. The thing barely started, but I tinkered it up enough to get back to the house.”

Jude is a genius with small machines. As long as he can sit while he’s working and concentrate for longer than ten goddamn minutes, he can fix almost anything.

“Okay,” I say, like he’d return it if I withheld permission.

“Whose truck is in the yard?” he asks suspiciously.

“The electrician.”

“He’s still here?”

“Yeah, lucky for us—we could have lights within the week.”

Tom comes out of the house hauling his tool bag, an extension cord wound round his arm like a lariat.

“That’s it for tonight,” he says. And then, “Hey, there,” to Jude.

Jude gives him a nod.

“Thanks for coming out.” I give Tom my hand to shake, feeling warm and grateful at the prospect of hot showers.

His hand closes rough and dusty around mine. “My pleasure.”

His fingers slide across my knuckles as he lets go. Jude raises an eyebrow.

To distract him, I say to Tom, “I met your cousin.”

“Emma?” He brightens. “You try her food? She’s the best in town; better than the chef at the Monarch, ask anybody.”

“I don’t have to ask. I had her Biscuits Benny this morning.”

Tom groans. “Don’t even mention her biscuits, I’m starving.”

I’d like to offer him a snack for all his hard work, but I’m not sure if we’ve even got peanut butter. Jude sucks at rationing.

“How about you?” Tom gives me a certain kind of look. “You want to grab a pizza or something?…You could come, too.” He invites Jude as an afterthought.

“Wow, thanks.” Jude doesn’t even pretend to smile.

“Maybe next time.” I step between them to block Jude’s dirty glare. “I’m beat. Thanks, though.”

“What are you up to tomorrow?” Tom persists. “There’s gonna be a bonfire down on the beach; a bunch of townies are coming. Locals, I mean.”

“Emma mentioned that.” I glance at Jude to gauge his resistance. “Sounds fun.”

Jude looks sullen but not impossible to convince.

“Cool,” Tom says. “Well, see you in the morning!”

“Yeah, thanks again! We really appreciate it. Both of us.” I give Jude a nudge.

“Thanks,” he says expressionlessly.

As Tom’s truck rattles off, Jude mutters, “He sure doesn’t waste time, does he?”