Page 1 of Grimstone



??Oblivion - Grimes

When we pull up in front of the ruined mansion, it’s worse than I expected. Jude pretends like it’s not so bad ‘cause he’s the one who pushed for this.

“Oh yeah…,” he says, getting out of the car and stretching his legs. “That’s really…something. Look at all those trees. And, uh…it’s definitely big.”

Bigisn’t a benefit when we have to renovate every square inch of this place. And by “we,” I mean “me”—Jude can barely hold a hammer.

“You suck at being optimistic,” I inform my brother. “It doesn’t suit you.”

“Alright,” he grins. “It’s a huge pile of shit. And probably haunted.”

That’s one thing I don’t have to worry about—I don’t believe in ghosts.

Although, if a housewerehaunted, this would be the perfect candidate.

The ancient Victorian has a baleful look, the peeling paint giving it a diseased appearance, the many gabled windows dark and shuttered. The porch yawns like a mouth, the broken steps like crooked teeth.

“Do you think maybe Uncle Ernie was a murderer?” Jude whispers in my ear, making me jump.

I turn around and raise my fist like I’m gonna pop him. “Don’tdothat!”

Jude smirks. He knows I’m a big softie. I’ve never hit him in my life—even when he really deserved it.

“Uncle Ernie was in a wheelchair,” I remind him. “Which is probably why he didn’t get around to cutting the grass.”

The front lawn is a jungle of waist-high weeds, not to mention trash and broken machinery. I’m going to need a brush hog to clear this out—a normal lawnmower wouldn’t make it two feet.

I’m already tallying up the tasks to make this place livable, let alone flippable. The weight of those tasks is immense compared to my own pathetic little shadow creeping up the rickety front steps.

“Do you have the key?” Jude says.


But when I touch the knob, the front door swings open with an eerie groaning sound.

“Oooo…”Jude does shivery spirit fingers at me.

“Shut up.” I push past him.

The interior of the house is dark and cool, dampness in the air. The only light comes from the hole in the roof that’s let in drifts of dead leaves and a whole lot of water damage. The rotting boards sink beneath our feet.

Mold bleeds down the walls like black tears. In the distant rafters, I hear the fluttering of a bird. Or maybe a bat.

The dank cold and the oppressive weight of trying to fix this could crush me. But I don’t crush that easy.

“You want to go pick out your room?”

Jude sniffs the air and makes a gagging sound. “I’m sleeping in the car.”

“No, you’re not.”

“You made me sleep in the car in Green River.”

My neck gets hot like it always does when I have to think about money.