Page 53 of Cruel Endings

I’min the VIP room of Dark Desires, bored as hell by Brandy, the brunette who’s kneeling between my legs, begging to lick my balls and trying her hardest to talk me into it.

It’s no use. I won’t.

She’s the naughty nurse hovering over Landon’s bed two days ago, and she’s desperately attracted to me. She is a nurse, but she’d sacrifice all of that, give up her life and her job, if I just said the word.

It’ll never happen. I am enjoying messing with her head, though, just to pass the time; I made her have sex with Simon and three other guys on stage last night, then called her a slut and made her cry. Her tears don’t touch me the way Camille’s do.

Simon walks in the door, and I flick him an annoyed glance. He’s not the least put off by the fact that Brandy’s between my legs begging. I shove her away from me, and she kneels there, head bowed submissively, waiting for my orders.

“You’ll never guess who’s at the front door demanding to speak to you,” he says.

I lift one eyebrow waiting, and the fucker just grins at me.

“Are you going to tell me or simply stand there like an idiot, making me wait?”

“Camille.” I tense at her name.

He knows a little about my campaign of terror against her, but he doesn’t know the full extent of it.

How did she even find me here? Simon’s name is on the lease, not mine. Then again, she did know that I stayed friends with Simon and Antoine after high school. If she searched my name, she’d have come up with my appearance at that security expo in London with Simon and Antoine right next to me. She could have searched for any information involving them.

So she’s come here today to… what? Beg? Bribe? Threaten?

My cock hardens in anticipation.

I level Brandy with a stern look. “Come here. Don’t say a word,” I say, and she nods eagerly.

“Send her in,” I say to Simon.

When Camille stalks into the room, I move Brandy’s head between my legs as though we’re about to do something.

“Just a minute,” I say to Camille with a nasty grin. Her face goes pale, and her lips thin as she presses them together. I remember how jealous she used to be. I lean back and spread my legs wide, unzipping my pants. Brandy looks toward my cock, licking her lips eagerly. I’m not sure how far I’m going to take this.

The goal is to hurt Camille at every turn. I have to believe she cares despite what I’ve done to her. Otherwise, messing with Brandy in front of her won’t do me any favors. I don’t need Brandy stalking me any more than she already does. The woman won’t take the hint and get lost, which would only make matters worse if I actually allowed her to touch me.


Brandy turns to look over her shoulder and does the exact opposite of what she was instructed to do. “Who’s this?” she says, looking annoyed.

“Nobody. Get back to it,” I command, trying not to strangle the woman for speaking out of turn.

When I get a good look at Camille, I almost want to praise Brandy. She set it up perfectly. Camille is practically green with jealousy.


I place my hand on the back of Brandy’s head and push her forward toward my unzipped pants. My cock isn’t free yet, and based on the menacing look Camille aims at me, it won’t ever be.

Camille stalks across the room toward me, and I let go of Brandy’s head. She pops up, looking confused. As Camille passes Brandy, she suddenly swings and punches Brandy in the face so hard she breaks her perfect little nose. Blood spurts from Brandy’s nostrils, and she shrieks in pain. “That’s for threatening Landon,” she yells and spits in her face. “Go near him again, and I will find you and kill you myself.”

Oh, this is too good.

The fire I see in Camille’s eyes is new. It’s intoxicating.

It’s all fucking wrong.

She’s supposed to be submissive. Scared.Mine.

Here she is, attacking my employee on my home turf and not for being between my legs, ready to suck me off. No. She punches her for that pussy, Landon.