Page 99 of Bow & Arrow


One week later.

I have called, texted, and even emailed Bliss for the last week, nothing. Not one word. I almost sent a fucking owl to her place, anything just to hear from her. She’s avoiding me like the fucking plague, rightfully so I guess. I’ve waited by her classes, by the student lounge, even by the library, she’s like a ghost. I even tried to ask India and that went as well as I thought it would, she threatened to kill me. Even she wouldn’t let me explain. All I can focus on is the last time I saw my girl and the look on her face. The tears and the hurt in her voice have been haunting me for days. She was right, I should have never had Priscilla in my room or any girl other than Bliss.

She said that I used Jackson as an excuse and I do, every time I have fucked up, I use him. Overdosed, Jackson. Dropped out of school and quit the basketball team, Jackson. Asshole when we met, Jackson. Stayed away from home, Jackson. Broke her heart, of course, Jackson. He was the reason for everything, but he wasn’t. I’m just a selfish asshole that thinks the world revolves me, but then she left and burst my bubble, because my world revolves around her. I could blame Cam for giving her a key, but he did what he thought was right. He gave my girlfriend a key to surprise me. I just fucked it up all on my own.

The sound of Oliver’s pen writing against his pad shakes my thoughts. He painted again, this time it’s a calming blue, that’s what he calls it. It’s not doing shit to calm me. I’m anxious and on edge.

“So, you’ve been avoiding my calls since you called last weekend, are you ready to talk about why you tried to call me at two in the morning and then not return my calls?” He lifts an eyebrow.

When Bliss left me, I thought I would lose my shit, so I called Oliver, who didn’t pick up after promising he was always available.

“She left me,” I tell him through my clenched teeth.

He pauses tapping his pen. “When? What happened?” He must sense my emotions because I’m having a tough time dealing with this.

My nights are the worst. I lie alone in my bed wishing she was there. I sleep better when she’s pressed against me. Without her, the restlessness is back.

I run down the story for him, starting the moment that bitch knocked on my fucking door. She’s another one that’s been avoiding me and that’s in her best interest.

Oliver listens, of course, writing on his pad as fast as he can, faster than I have ever seen him.

“Did I mention I took her home to meet not just my parents, but Jackson’s parents as well?” I need him to know how serious I am about her, how much this break up is affecting me. We were never supposed to break up. She’s my future, and I’m hoping like hell I’m still hers.

His eyebrows shoot up. “Wait, what?” He runs a hand over his man bun. “She met your family? You went home?”

“Yes.” I sigh. “I went home, and before you ask, yes, we talked and hugged and all that sappy shit, now back to the problem at hand, Oliver.” This is the first time I’ve ever said his name out loud.

“Right,” he mutters. “We’ll come back to that. So how are you feeling since the break up?”

Leaning back in the chair, I frown. “Like shit. Like I can’t breathe, my chest hurts every time I think of her, and that’s all the time.” I’m letting my feelings out and I don’t care. Who is Oliver going to tell? His notebook?

“Have you reached out?”

Lifting my hands, I make a face. “I’m about to start stalking her. She won’t answer my calls or texts. She’s never where she usually is.” My mind starts to wander. Where is she meeting Ryan if she’s not at the library? That fucker is probably loving this shit, I’ll have no choice to break that NFL bound arm of his.

“Well, stalking is illegal,” he chimes in. “Have you ever thought about taking the Jackson approach and maybe write her a letter?”

Huh? “No. That didn’t cross my mind.” Would she even read it? How would I get it to her? India won’t do it, I’m sure of it.

“Well, that’s an option to consider.” He jots something down. “Also, you must give her time to calm down, process the break up herself. She is hurting, as are you, but you have to see this from her point of view. You may not have cheated, and she might know that but cannot see past you having a girl in your room.”

I let his words sink in even if I didn’t like them. It’s been a week since I have seen her, heard her voice, even if the words tore my world apart. I didn’t want to wait any longer. I wanted to find her now, shake her, and make her listen to me. I would never cheat on her, I would never do that. I’m in love with her, she is all I see day and night. She’s all I want to see.

Oliver continues to throw out other options and I’m not sure about any of them, they don’t seem like my style, but then again, I’ve never had to apologize before. I never had to win a girl over.

But for her, I’ll do anything.

After my session with Oliver, I head to practice. Tugging on the strap of my gym bag, I decide not to ignore the other terminal to avoid the cheerleaders. I told that bitch to stay away from me, but never said I wouldn’t come for her. Priscilla never came up in the session other than her part in my downfall, but I never said what would happen when I saw her again.

Looking at my watch, I see I have some time. She really thought she could ruin my relationship, spreading rumors that she fucked me, and I wasn’t going to come for her?

Once I step through the doors, I can hear the echo of their practice barrel down the hall. I send a text to Cam, telling him to meet me, because one thing I do know about her is that she is a liar, and I’ll be damned if she lies on me anymore then she has.

Calling my girlfriend no one is what started it all. She was better off keeping her mouth shut.

When I turn the corner, I see the girls on the floor stretching and laughing amongst each other. But they stop once one of the girls sees me.