Page 94 of Bow & Arrow


My fingers slide across the diamond encrusted initials on my new heart charm that Cuba gave me a few weeks ago, when he told me he loves me. I won’t see him tonight and, the more I rub the charm, the more I feel guilty for picking my session over his first game. I should be there. I should have dropped him off at the bus and told him I would be watching from the stands. But here I am instead, with Ryan. He has been talking non-stop about some documentary that I’m usually interested in but not today. My mind is elsewhere, and my heart is over a hundred miles away.

Ryan clears his throat. “Um, are you okay?”

I blink, realizing that I have been staring at my computer screen blankly. I have the site to watch the game on, but it hasn’t started yet. If I can’t be there, I will have to at least stream it, although I have no idea what is going on.

“Yeah, sorry. Waiting for the game to start.” Glancing up at him.

Ryan frowns. “I forgot their first game was tonight. Surprised you didn’t cancel to be there.”

I smile weakly. “Yeah, well, I’m regretting that now, no offense.”

He smiles. “None taken.” He nods to my hand. “That’s a pretty necklace.”

“Thanks.” I blush. “Cuba surprised me with it.”

Ryan nods and shifts, his smile falters. “If you want to go you can, we can meet later next week.”

My eyes widen. “Are you sure?” I ask quickly. “I mean. I will probably miss it.”

“Then surprise him at the hotel,” he says slowly, like it’s obvious.

“Girlfriends sneak in all the time.”

I never thought about that, I could just surprise him. He would love that, and of course, wouldn’t even see me coming. I’m loving the idea but what if he doesn’t like it? He’s not the biggest fan of surprises but it’s me.

The announcer’s voice snaps my eyes back to my screen, and Ryan scoots his chair closer to me, so he can see. It’s odd but I forget about him the moment I see Cuba walk out with his team. I’ve seen him in his uniform in pictures, but oh my gosh I want to lick him everywhere. Cuba’s face is serious as Cam talks to him in the seat next to him before the announcer calls Cams name. He runs through the lane lined by their teammates. Cuba is the only one still sitting and I’m worried. He’s playing, right?

Then he stands, his name is called, and I can see his lip twitch. This is such a big deal and I’m missing it. He’s probably nervous, this is his first game without Jackson. Finally, he looks up and I can see his hazel eyes glass over, my heart tightens… breaking. This is an emotional moment for him, for his team. I’m watching every step he takes, passing his teammates, I can hear fans screaming his name, and it’s amazing all the love he is getting.

The camera moves, zooming in on his face and my heart stops. Cuba kisses two of his fingers before pulling his arm back, he looks like he’s about to aim an invisible arrow. I can’t breathe watching him aim, draw, and release this imaginary arrow into the crowd. No one knows what that means but a few people and me. It was for me. A smile tugs at his lips, as if he knows I’m dying from lack of oxygen.

“Are you okay?”

I forgot Ryan was even still here. Without thinking, I’m up, slamming my laptop closed and sliding it in my messenger bag.

“Yeah.” I dig for my keys. “So, I’ll see you in a few days, yeah?”

I don’t look up or wait for his reply. I’m out the door, taking two steps at a time, praying I don’t fall and die. Somehow, I manage to send India a text, letting her know I’m surprising Cuba, and I need the hotel room number. He told me where, just not what room, and why would he? Hopefully, she texts me back before I get there.

Do I even look okay? I don’t have time to change. My hair is in a messy bun, I’m in leggings and hoodie, and there is not an ounce of make up on my face. He’s seen my worst, I shrug to myself. I think the important thing is that I’m there, not what I look like.

My phone goes off once I start my car, and Patrick’s name comes on my car screen. I hit the answer button my on steering wheel.

“Bitch, did you see?” he says before I even can say hello. “Can I have him please?”

I do my little happy dance in my seat. “Yes!” I scream. “On my way down there now to surprise him.”

He tsks. “You better be, shit. He is a keeper. My own heart damn near melted.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m sure mine burst in my chest.”

“Aww,” Patrick coos. “I love it. I have to go, I have a client but text me when you get there.”

We say goodbye and I program in the hotel into my maps app. I should make it in two hours if the traffic is on my side, and L.A. traffic is a fickle bitch. Finding a song on my phone, I pull out of the parking lot on my way to my lover.
