Page 57 of Bow & Arrow

“Not if you give me your number.” He bites his lips and his glossy eyes run over my body.

“Um, I have a boyfriend.” The lie comes out so easy I almost feel bad, but then I remember that Dylan is a creep.

His eyes narrow slightly, as if he can tell I’m lying, but then he shrugs and smiles. “Couldn’t hurt to ask.”

Thankfully, someone calls his name and he leaves. Turning back to India, she laughs.

“The lies you tell.” She snickers.

I take a sip of my drink and wince. “God, that’s strong.” I’ll be tipsy after this one drink.

Indi tips her cup at me. “Should have stuck to beer.”

Shaking my head, we make our way back to the living room, it’s more crowded than when I came in, but I see a pair of hazel eyes staring right at me. My heart stops, and it’s as if everything slowed down. Sure, I see him on campus, but we haven’t locked eyes since our last night, and now he’s looking right at me. His dark grey baseball hat is low to his eyes, a black tee shirt stretches across his chest, grey jeans cover his long legs. His full lips pull into a grin, and I quickly turn away.

“Ignore him,” India says.

I start to down my drink, the vodka burning my throat.

“Slow down, girl.”

Setting the empty cup down, I pat my mouth to make sure I didn’t get it everywhere. “I cannot be sober. Do I need to remind you how he left, and now he’s smiling at me?”

She laughs, shaking her head. “You need to relax, I’m not saying go give him a lap dance. Just ignore him.”

When I glance over my shoulder, Cuba is no longer looking my way, instead he’s talking to a girl with Ash and Cam. She rolls her eyes as she walks off, and I wonder if he’s being an asshole, I don’t doubt it. Cam spots me looking and winks at me with a smile.

“Cam is so annoying,” India says. “He flirts with everyone.”

“Sounds like someone I know. “

She nudges me. “Shut up.” Gulping down the rest of her beer. “That’s disgusting.”

“So Good” by Big Sean and Kash Doll starts bumping through and the liquor is starting to hit me. Indi takes my hand and heads to the makeshift dance floor, our bodies moving to the beat, she comes behind me and I move against her with her hand on my hip. I can feel his eyes on me and I don’t know what to make of it. I can’t help but look up at him. He’s leaning against the wall with Cam and Ash, three pair of eyes on us. Girls pass them, trying to get their attention but the only eyes they get is Ash, Cam and Cuba don’t shift their gaze as India drops low, her hands moving down my legs and coming back up slowly. Heat spreads through me just from his look and I almost forget I’m mad at him. I almost forget how he hurt me… almost.

The song ends, blending into a Drake song, and I take this opening to get another drink. I don’t even look his way as I make my exit, Indi behind me.

“I got your drink, saw you coming this way.” Dylan smiles, leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen, holding a cup out. “I’ve never seen you dance before. Too bad you have a boyfriend.” His dark eyes shine, and he turns away.

“Damn, he has it bad for you.” India fills up a cup of beer. “Isn’t there like a bro code where he can’t flirt with you?”

Shaking my head, I take a sip, it’s not as strong as last time but there’s something off, maybe it’s the cranberry juice. “No, him and Dex aren’t friends, not even close. He tried to talk to me before I met Dex.”

“Let’s go out back, they have a fire we can chill by.”

The back deck only has a few people sitting around the fire so we take the bench, we can still hear the music playing.

“Is this the wrong time to tell you he still wants you?”

I frown and take a gulp of my drink. “He just wants to have sex with me and we know I can’t handle casual. Look what happened when I tried.”

She shrugs. “I love casual,” she says softly. “No one can hurt me.”

I’m about ask her who hurt her, but some guy calls her name and she jumps up smiling. “I’ll be right back.”

And there she goes. I finish off my drink and take my phone out. Patrick sends a text saying he can’t make it but wants to do brunch tomorrow. I figured he wouldn’t come, house parties aren’t his thing either. The flicker of the fire catches my eye and I watch the sparks as I listen to the cracking of the wood. How am I going to be here with Cuba? I know if I give him the chance he’ll talk me right out of my panties, and then I’ll be back where I am, wanting more of what he can’t give me.

I force my eyes to move from the fire, but I can’t. I feel stuck, numb, I can’t even feel the heat from the fire. Something is wrong. I try to reach for my phone, but my hand won’t move. My mouth becomes dry as I start to realize what’s happening.