Page 54 of Bow & Arrow

Cam jumps on me, giving me a hug and Ash follows. “We family man, now let’s see how out of shape you are.”

Pushing them off me, I laugh. “I stayed in shape.”

Coach just shakes his head and walks back to the locker room.

I lied. Those little late-night sessions I used to have wasn’t shit. My body is aching and angry. Shit, how long has it been since I had a real work out. I think coach was trying to prove a point during practice, whatever it was, it worked. I am miserable, and sore, again, Bliss comes to mind. It seems like anything that happens I want to share with her. Two weeks of fighting with her and another two weeks of tasting every of inch of her has done something to me. Even the thought of another girl turns me off, but another girl will get me over her.

“Want to grab some food?” Cam pulls a shirt over his head.

How can he even think about food after the hell of a practice we just endured? All I can think about is going to my bed and jacking off to the picture of Bliss I took, and I barely have enough energy for that.

“I’ll pass.” I lace up my shoes and slowly stand up. Fuck, everything hurts.

“You okay?” He smiles. “I thought you were in shape?”

I flip him off.

“For real, though, you still killin’ it, man. It’s good to have you back.” He pats me on my back and I wince inside.

I kick my gym bag against my locker, fuck it, it’s staying right on that floor until tomorrow. I get my keys and phone from my locker and slam it closed, but it pops back open. That day rushes back to me, breaking it while I fucked Arrow against it. Damn she’s everywhere.

Shaking my head, I turn back to Cam. “Thanks man, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I turn to leave but he stops me. “Your tutor is single, right?”

Flipping him off, I keep walking. Cam is fucking with me, he’s not stupid. He knows I messed with her, shit, he may even know I like her.

Did I just admit I like her? Well, I might as well admit I like her a little bit more than like her, she’s attached to my mind. The more I think about it, the worse I feel about leaving her, it didn’t help that India, being the good friend that she is, was shooting daggers out of her eyes during practice. I decided to leave from the back hall to avoid her at all cost. Last thing I need is a reminder of how I fucked up, and I don’t want to know if I caused her tears again.

Don’t think I could handle that. I got one thing back but having someone close again, that’s another thing, I know I have to take one thing at a time.