Page 21 of Bow & Arrow

I trade my sweats for black jeans, and white tee for a black Ralph Lauren fitted tee with the red horse. Grabbing my red, black, and grey Jordan’s from the closet, I walk to the far wall of my room where my hat collection is placed across the wall.

Deciding on a black Bulls hat, I slip it on and spray on some Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue. My mom buys it for me every year; I’m a creature of habit. Jackson use to talk shit about it all the time but would sneak in my room and use it.

Shaking my head, I smile at the memory, I would give anything for him to still be here using up my cologne.

The smell of coffee and smoke fill my nose as the local DJ plays the Billboard top 100 hits. Dixie’s is crowded, and I forget it’s Thursday night. Only thing new here is the karaoke, and right now a group of drunk girls are singing a boy band song.

I turn my attention back to the pool table where Cam, Ash, and I are playing a game. J.R., another guy from the team, just joined us. I’m waiting for everyone else to show up now, like it’s a damn reunion. Leaning down, I level my pool stick and watch as my ball barely misses the pocket.

“You’re rusty, bro.” Ash laughs, circling the table looking for a shot.

I flip him off and grab my water. I’m not drinking tonight in case I need to drive someone home. Ash misses his shot. “I’ve been M.I.A, what’s your excuse?”

He laughs and turns to his girlfriend, Amanda. “I’ve been busy too.” She giggles, and they kiss.

I turn back to the pool table and watch as Cam looks for a shot, somehow, we all are playing this game, and we aren't even on teams. The red head from the pizza place is sitting on the stool behind him, I don't remember Cam ever getting her number, but here she is laughing at everything he says. I must have been the only one that didn't get the memo because J.R.’s girlfriend is here too. I'm solo, I've never been solo. Then again, I haven't been out in damn near a year.

I'm the seventh wheel tonight, and I don't mind. Girls keep looking at me, but none have the guts to walk up to me, and none of them are giving me any reason to approach them.

I have one girl on my mind and they aren't her.

“Cuba, baby.”

Except this one, she has the guts. I spin around to see Amber leaning against my stool. Well doesn't she look run down. She used to be sexy as hell, long, shiny brown hair, and big, bright brown eyes to match. Now her hair is choppy and dull, and her eyes are sunken in. What the hell is she on? Her once banging body looked a little saggy, but somehow, she still managed to push up her sad tits.

“Amber.” I nod. “You look run through.”

She didn't even blink at my insult. “It’s so good to see you again, it's been a long time.” She stumbles closer, but I take a step back.

“Apparently not long enough.” I frown.

Again, my insult goes over her head. “We should make up for lost time.” She licks her fading red lips. So, this is who Dex was caught with. He cheated on Bliss for that? I struggle to wrap my head around it, I just can't see it.

“Bow, what did I tell you about Chlamydia ridden sluts?” Her smooth voice makes my lip twitch.

Bliss saunters up next to me, her stormy eyes on Amber, giving me time to take in her little white shorts, and silky, light blue cropped tank top that shows off her tanned, flat stomach. She's wearing those sexy strappy heels she wore the day I gave her a ride home. Bliss's usually wavy blonde hair is straight down her back, stopping at her waist. I notice the stack of gold bracelets on her wrist, just like her necklace, I haven't seen her without them. I'm starting to notice a lot of things about my little tutor.

“Still bitter?” Amber puts a hand on her bony hip.

Bliss smiles. “Never bitter, thankful. You should really move along now, he clearly isn't biting, and you are just embarrassing yourself.”

Amber turns red and looks at me. I just smile and shrug, leaning forward balancing on my pool stick.

Amber quickly turns on her heels and stalks away to the next poor soul.

“I think we're even now, you crash my date, and I crash yours.” Bliss turns to me smiling.

I almost choke on air. “Amber?” I shake my head. “Hell no. She just walked over. I'm here with some friends.” I nod my head toward the group.

She looks amused. “Me too.” She motions to where I see India and some guy sitting, their eyes on us.

“Who's the guy?” I try to ask casually, but it comes out like a growl.

“Jealous?” She arches an eyebrow.

I scoff. “I don't get jealous.” Only over you, it seems. “I think you are, one kiss and you’re already staking claim.”

Her cheeks redden. “Not staking claim. You looked uncomfortable, I was just being a friend.”

Ouch. Friend zoned.

“Friend?” I ask. She nods.

I motion for her to come close and she does, slowly. Leaning down, my lips barely brush the tip of her ear, and I inhale her scent of lavender. “I don't want to be your friend.”

Friends don't want to do what I want to do with her.

Bliss quickly steps back. “And I here I thought we were going to be civil, just can’t help being an asshole though.” She turns and walks away before I can even say anything. How am I always messing up with her? She didn’t even let me finish. I don’t want to be her friend, I just want the benefits. There is no way anything more could come from that.

So, I watch her switch away to her friends and I turn back to mine.