Page 105 of Bow & Arrow

She rolls her eyes and nods. “Yeah, don’t worry he’ll see you.”

I’m not worried, it’s just feels like we still have some things to work out between us, and I want to make him happy. I want us to be happy.

Smiling, I nod, and we hurry to catch up to my dad and Patrick. I couldn’t wait until I saw his face.


The locker room is crazy right now. We still are hyped from the last game and the energy is amazing. Cam has his phone connected to some Bluetooth speakers blasting Kendrick Lamar. Ash and JR are trying to dance in the middle of the room. Half of us are not even ready, including myself.

This will be the first game at home without my best friend, and I thought it would feel horrible, but it doesn’t. It feels like he’s right here with us, how we remembered him.

I’m still bummed that Bliss said she wouldn’t make it on time because of fucking Ryan Ellis. But I didn’t say anything, I kept my mouth shut, she said she’ll just be late. I can’t deal with that, but I have no choice.

Tugging my t-shirt off, I replace it with my jersey and the same with my pants, while nodding my head to the beat of the song that’s playing. I open my locker door and smile at the picture I taped in there weeks ago. Bliss is camera shy, so I had to beg her to take a picture with me. It’s not a perfect picture, we’re in some lounge clothes chilling on my couch, and she’s looking at me like I’m her everything and I’m looking at her like she’s the air I breathe. She wouldn’t look at the camera, so I wouldn’t either. Anyway, the next day I went to the store and had a copy printed off, and now it hangs in my locker like I’m in high school.

Pulling my sneakers out, I close the door and flop down in my chair as Cam sits next to me.

“You ready?” he asks, pulling his sneakers on.

“Born ready, bruh.” I tie my laces and rock back to grab my phone in my duffle bag.

Swiping my thumb over the screen, I’m a little annoyed not to see a text to tell me good luck. I debate texting her, but don’t, and toss my phone back on my bag. She probably lost track of time.

The locker room door swings open. “Turn that shit music off,” Coach Jay barks, and Cam cuts the speakers off, putting his phone away.

“All right, let’s not get cocky. This team beat us last year,” he starts.

“But we have Cuba back,” JR interrupts him.

Coach waves him off. “He’s one hell of a player but he’s only one person. We need to come at them as a team.”

We nod, and he continues, “Keep your eyes on that freshman, Mack, he’s hard to block, so Cam, I need you and Ash on his ass, force him to make those three’s he claims he can make but we’ve never seen.”

Some of us laugh because freshmen love to start the season talking about all the shit they can do but can’t really do, like this Mack kid, he doesn’t know any better.

Coach looks at his watch. “All right, say your little prayers and let’s go boys.”

Coach never likes to pray, and he doesn’t make us if we don’t want to. There’s a few of us with different religions so we do our own thing.

I hear the crowd before I see them as I run out of the locker room. The announcer is already calling the players of the visiting team. The lights start to shine at us the moment we step onto the court. Cam and Ash are beside me, I always get called last. JR is announced first and down the line the rest of starters it goes.

Cam turns to me before he is called. “Look over and up.” He nods to the stands on the other side of the court.

Between the flashes of cameras going off, I have no idea what he’s talking about until my name is called by the announcer and I jog onto the court. I look over and up and, holy shit. I can pick her out of a crowd anyway. Her halo of blonde hair is in waves and, fuck me, she’s sexy as hell in my jersey, hugging the curve of her breasts and showing off a peek of her stomach.

She played me, knowing she would be here the whole time. God, I love this woman.

Smiling, I kiss two of my fingers and pull them back with my invisible bow. I draw, aim, and release.

This time when my cupid’s arrow flies, it lands right where it was meant to be. Her heart.