“Don’t talk about my son like that,” Zeke deadpans.
“Right, let’s talk about your sex life instead. Or lack thereof.”
“I thought you wanted to talk about Sam?”
“Are you actually going to let me get to know her?” I ask. I saw how protective he was with her up front.
Zeke eyes me for a second before he nods. “I think you might be just what she needs.”
“Then tell me about Sam.” I say, leaning back in my chair again as he starts.
I hang on his every word and when we leave two hours later to head home, I have a pretty good idea of where to start to try to win the pretty, headstrong Samantha “Sam” Kavan over.
I spin aroundin my office chair, my eyes staring at the ceiling as I slowly come to a stop. I sigh, stretching my arms overhead as the buzz of the tattoo machines and whatever music Mischa is currently blaring from his room fill the shop. I’m up front and we’re technically closed but both Mischa and Nico’s appointments ran over and Zeke is still finishing up payroll so I’m here waiting.
The guys don’t like it when I walk alone to my car late at night and even though I’m only parked a block away, I kind of agree with them. Besides, it’s not worth the lecture or worried texts and phone calls I’ll get if I leave without one of them.
I’m about to do another spin when I hear Zeke’s heavy boots making their way up front.Finally.He comes behind the front counter, shuffling some papers in his hands. He looks up and smiles at me before he tosses me an envelope with my paycheck in it.
“Thanks,” I say, stuffing it into my bag underneath the counter.
He nods, putting the other envelopes in the trays underneath the whiteboard for Nico and Mischa to grab on their way out. Zeke sighs and rolls his shoulders as he leans against the back counter next to the shirts.
“Long night?” I ask, rocking side to side in my chair.
“Long week.”
“You know I’ve heard that sex can help relieve stress,” I say, teasing.
“Yep,” I say, popping the p. “He was talking shit about how you can’t get laid. He said it’s been years,” I say, drawing out the years and making Zeke chuckle.
“That boy,” Zeke says but I can tell that he doesn’t really care.
I laugh with him and soon I hear one of the tattoo machines turn off.Almost time to head home.I’m starving and I’m already wondering what I have to eat at home when Zeke interrupts my thoughts.
“Speaking of dating.”
“Who was talking about dating?” I ask, confused.
“Max seemed taken with you.”
I can’t help but roll my eyes.
“He’s a good guy,” Zeke says and I nod my head.
I know that he and Zeke have been close for years, since they were just kids. Rumor has it that I have Max to thank for the Eye Candy Ink name and the bright pink logo. I’ve only heard of him in passing since he doesn’t come to the shop all that often. I know from Zeke that he owns a few restaurants around town and that he grew up in Las Vegas too. Last night was the first time that I had met the guy though. I can see that he wasn’t a dick. We actually had sort of a conversation and I didn’t catch him staring at my tits or ass once.Jesus, if that’s how low my standards for guys to be good has gotten then something really has to change.
“Yeah, he seemed alright.”
“Whoa! I’m not sure the guy is ready for you to throw yourself at him like that.”
I roll my eyes at Zeke as he grins.