
Now I’m worried. Em, check in ok?


If I don’t hear from you in the next four hours I’m sicking my man’s hackers on tracking you down

I rubbed my eyes. Peru had been a stupid choice. At this time of year it was an hour behind Toronto, which meant seven hours behind Italy. Technically I should still be asleep. I should’ve picked a country in the same time zone as my sisters.

I stared around at the Buscetta golden bedroom and thought about whether to respond yet. Doctors kept odd hours, so hopefully my sisters wouldn’t be too concerned about the time.

I decided to text them back.

I’m okay! I’m okay!

Calm down, both of you

The response was instant.


Turn on location services!!

I couldn’t. They would know I was lying.

The company asks us to keep them off for security purposes.

Ugh, I hated this.


That is bullshit


Fuck that!

You don’t need to worry. It’s very safe. Lots of people here.


Sounds sus Em

It’s not! I promise. I’m fine.

It’s a great opportunity and I’m going to learn a lot.


This happened way too quickly


Yeah why didn’t you tell us you applied for it

God, my sisters were so nosy. I understood why they were so protective of me, but I wasn’t completely incompetent. I was smart, and I’d been looking after Papà ever since they both left home.