Adam snorted. “You’re no gentleman. But if you lay a hand on her, I’ll cut it off. Remember that, Wyatt.” He was swaying slightly on his feet.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine, Adam. I’d really like to get out of here,” I said with significance, gripping his arms to hold him steady.

Adam looked down at me, forgetting about his sister and Jeremy. He wasn’t thinking about them. He was thinking about sex. It was all over his face. “Okay, sounds good. We’ll see you later.” He turned me around by the shoulders and steered me from the room.

“Bye!” I called out to them, waving over my shoulder as Adam all but shoved me out the front door.

Once we were outside, Adam grabbed me and kissed me hard enough to weaken my knees. “I’m going to make you forget your name,” he promised in a way that made my toes tingle.

As we were getting into the back of the Uber and I swatted his hands away from my boobs for the third time, I brought up Lena and Jeremy.“They seem to get along really well. That must be good given that they work together,” I broached tentatively. Adam had always been extremely protective of Lena, and I knew that hadn’t changed. And even though Jeremy was his partner and friend, that would go straight out the window where Lena was concerned.

He swept my hair off my neck, his lips finding the sensitive skin there. “Lena hates him, which is good because Jeremy’s a whore, and I would have to rearrange his face if he messed with her.” His mouth lingered close to mine. “Anyway, I don’t want to talk about them.”

I let him shut me up after that.

Chapter 16


“Grab the headboard,” Adam barked.

For once, I did as instructed without argument. I gripped the metal rails tightly, my body tingling with anticipation. I felt him behind me. I was up on all fours, my ass in the air. His hands came around to cup my boobs, and then he slammed into me from behind.

“Ahhh!” I screamed, throwing my head back.

He pounded into me. I could practically feel him in my throat. Our bodies rocked in unison, his balls slapping against my clit.

“God, oh God!” he bellowed, his movements quickening. I pushed my ass back against his every thrust, taking all of him.

He reached between my legs, pushing me over the edge. I shouted out, coming loudly and forcefully. He jerked against me, grabbing my hair and yanking as he came.

Afterward, we collapsed in the middle of his king-sized bed. He spooned his body around mine, his cock still inside me. He always seemed reticent to separate our bodies, wanting to keep his dick buried deep until I had to be the one to move away.

“Fucking hell, woman. Are you trying to kill me?” he panted against the back of my neck, giving me a squeeze.

“Death by screwing has a nice ring to it,” I joked, lifting his hand to my mouth and kissing his knuckles. I stilled, realizing how tender the gesture was and wiggled away from him. I rolled onto my back, covering my breasts with the blanket.

Adam tried to pull me against him again, and stupidly, I let him. He nestled my head beneath his chin. I fit too perfectly like that. It bothered me.

No, actually it bothered me that it didn’t bother me.

We had been sleeping together for almost three weeks. And we’re not talking once or twice here and there. But every. Single. Day. Usually two and three times. We were insatiable. It was like neither of us had ever had sex before. We were humping like teenagers who had just popped their cherries. It was insanity and more than a little ridiculous, but we couldn’t help ourselves. When I wasn’t with Adam, I was thinking about Adam. About the things I wanted him to do to me, about the way he made me feel.

And it wasn’t just the sex. It was the way he smiled when he saw me. It was the sound of his voice on the phone when he called in the middle of the night. It was the stupid texts he sent from his office when I was on a scaffold twelve feet away. It was Reece’s Pieces that he kept in his bedside table that he would only share with me. It was the way he handed me the remote control automatically, knowing how I liked to watch the evening news after work. Only three weeks, but we had slipped into normalcy that should never have happened.

I had tried so hard to keep this thing between us casual, but it was hard when the two people involved knew each other so well when there was an ocean of history that pulled them into an effortless closeness. And even though I had spent the past ten years proclaiming to hate him, it startled me how quickly I could put the animosity aside, even though I swore I never would. How simple it was to allow myself to forget all the ways he had hurt me before.Because he was now giving me everything I had wanted from him at seventeen.