A hand touches my arm. It’s Mila. “You usually clean up, and then we prepare dinner together,” she says gently.

I rouse myself. “Yes, of course.” I’m behaving like a fool. Except that fear penetrates every core of my being. This woman holds the key to our future. I manage to go to our bedroom and automatically do what I do every day. The shower reinvigorates me and dissolves some of the panic. I take deep breaths and tell myself to calm down. I won’t think of the future or even tomorrow. All I have to do to get through the evening is to follow Mila’s instructions. Behave as you normally do. That should not be too hard.

After I shower and dress, I head to the kitchen, where everyone is gathered. Isaac is coloring on the kitchen table while Jessica and Mila are making preparations for dinner.

“How was your first day in LA, Jessica?” I ask her with a forced smile.

Mila looks relieved to hear me sounding normal. She shoots me an encouraging smile. She knows how I feel. It feels good to know that there’s someone on my side.

“Good,” Jessica says and adds with a playful tone, “The little I’ve seen of it. We haven’t left the house all day.”

“You didn’t complain then,” Mila says and hands me a bowl of potatoes to peel.

Jessica laughs. “I’m not complaining. Today was catch-up. Tomorrow we can be tourists.”

We chat easily and sure enough, we soon forget about the court evaluator until she clears her throat just as I’m setting the table.

“I’m done for today, but as the judge might have told you, this is an ongoing process. I’ll be back soon. Have a good evening.”

“I’ll walk you to your car,” I tell her, hoping to score a few points.

“That won’t be necessary,” she says, and without another word, turns and marches out.

Only when the front door shuts do we all breathe normally. Isaac is the only one unaffected by the visit, and he happily colors pictures in his book.

“That wasn’t too bad,” Mila says.

It hits me that she’s right. We’re not pretending about how we live, and to be honest our daily family life is rich and full of laughter and joy. And that is all thanks to Mila. Gratitude floods me. I close the distance between us and gather Mila into my arms.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” she says.

“Just for being you. You’ve made me and Isaac happy.”

When my mouth touches hers, I forget everything except how soft her lips feel. I nibble on her lower lip and slip my tongue into her hot mouth. My hands tighten around her, crushing her breasts against my chest. A discreet cough jolts me back to the present.

We break apart, and I apologize to Jessica sheepishly. “I might have gotten a little carried away.”

She laughs at the understatement. “No worries. It makes me happy to see my best friend happy.”

Dinner is a noisy happy affair. We swap stories of our different cities. Mila sits next to me, and our thighs rub against each other throughout dinner. After dinner, and when Isaac has gone to bed, like the previous day, we share a bottle of wine.

Despite the good company, I’m glad when Jessica yawns and pleads exhaustion. Mila and I follow her shortly afterward. As soon as I close our bedroom door, I pounce on Mila.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day,” I tell her as I go on my knees and pull down her shorts and panties.

Mila chuckles. “I’ve been thinking of this all day.” The last two words are a moan as my tongue darts out and connects with her clit.

“Brad.” Just one word, but it’s loaded with passion.

“You smell so good,” I tell Mila as I inhale the sweet musky scent of her pussy.

My tongue finds her juicy center, and I lick off all her juices. Delicious moans fill our bedroom as I have my fill of Mila’s pussy. Nothing feels as good as hearing evidence of my woman in ecstasy.

I tease her clit, licking and sucking and plunging my tongue deep into her pussy. Her movements and cries that have gone soft tell me that Mila is almost coming. I increase the pace of my licks, and soon, she’s gripping my head and screaming.

“Lie on your back,” Mila commands seconds later.

I do as instructed and lie on the rug, my trousers tented at the front. Mila slips off her T-shirt and bra and then sits astride me and sits on my bits. She strokes my erect cock over my trousers, and a grunt escapes my mouth. I place my hands on her hips and caress her gently.

She unzips my trousers and pops the button, and with hands on the waistband, she tugs at it. I help her by raising myself off the floor, and she pulls down my trousers and boxer shorts leaving my cock free. She cups my cock with both hands and then poises herself above it.