As I lay there seething, a thought works its way through my anger. Mila doesn’t have to do this! She didn’t have to marry me, and she sure as hell doesn’t need to stay married to me. It’s a good thing that I’m in bed because my whole body becomes weak. The only reason Mila agreed to fake marry me was that she’s a kindhearted human being. And what do I do to show my gratitude? I cover my face and groan. What the hell is wrong with me? Shame floods me as I remember my attitude at the party and afterward.

She must think I’m an ungrateful fool! Which I am. I throw back the covers and get up. Still, in my boxers, I pad to the kitchen where I can see Mila’s rented house. The lights are all off. It’ll have to wait until morning.

Her words haunt me as I go back to bed.

But we can’t stop living because of the custody case. Life must go on. We can even have a little fun while we’re at it.

She’s right. I must loosen up a little. Making life unbearable for Mila and Isaac wouldn’t guarantee that I win the case. If anything, the court evaluator will find tense angry people, and that’s the last thing I need.

Oh, Mila. She must have gone to bed angry and sad. My lungs constrict, making it hard to breathe.

Against all odds, I fall asleep and wake up to dawn light streaming in through the curtains. I jump off the bed before I’m fully awake, quickly pull on my trousers, and when I open my bedroom door, I’m hit by the delicious smell of pancakes.

Mila. I hurry to the kitchen, and when I see her, I stop and just soak in the sight of her. She’s got the most gorgeous legs, and as she turns, my heart stops. And it hits me then how much I love having her in my life. I don’t want to lose Mila. I want to continue with what we have.

“Good morning?” I tell her.

“Morning,” she says in a crisp voice devoid of her usual warmth.

“Can I help?” I ask.

“Sure. Get the coffee going.”

I wrack my brain for something to get us talking. “Is Jessica still coming today?”

She nods. “Yes, in the evening. Are you sure you’ll be comfortable having her stay here?”

“Absolutely. Any friend of yours is more than welcome to stay with us.”

We work together for a few minutes, and her curt tone unsettles me. My hands tremble slightly. I’m afraid I am losing her.

Something else dawns on me. The custody case is not the only reason I’m frightened of losing Mila. It’s because she’s become very special to me. We’ve become like a family. She brings so much joy to our lives.

“Is it time to wake Isaac up?” she says.

“Not for another forty-five minutes. I want to apologize for yester—”

“No need to,” Mila says. “I understand completely.”

“Would you let me finish?” I say firmly. I know she’s speaking from hurt, and she’s now on defense mode. I must do everything in my power to bring those walls down, and the only way is to be completely open and truthful.

“Fine,” she says and folds her arms across her chest.

My hands itch to hold her tight against me. “I’m so sorry, Mila. I was a complete jerk yesterday. I’ve been so scared the last couple of days at the thought of losing Isaac. All I can think about is Brenda and her husband taking him away from me…from us.”

“Oh, Brad,” Mila says. Tears fill her eyes, and she looks at me with compassion. That’s the kind of person that she is. Sweet and empathetic. “I was wrong to take it out on you and Isaac. I’m sorry. Please forgive me and I promise to chill out.”

She comes to me then and places her hands on my shoulders. “I’m sorry too; I didn’t know how you were feeling. Brenda won’t win the custody case. You’re an awesome dad, and everyone knows that.”

I encircle her waist and pull her closer.

“You must promise me something,” Mila says.

I lower my head and nibble her neck. I missed her last night. I missed her scent, the feel of her soft body against mine, and the kisses I steal whenever I wake up in the night.


“Yes, anything,” I say, and she giggles.

“You don’t even know what I want to say,” she says, and then she grows solemn. “You must be honest with me when something’s bothering you. Tell me what it is, and we’ll work it out together.”

“I will,” I tell her.

I raise my head and capture her sweet mouth into a kiss. She moans into my mouth, and all the blood in my body drops. My hands mold her tits over her T-shirt, and she moans loudly. I love the sound of Mila’s moans. My hands are everywhere. I’ve missed her so much I can’t get enough of her.