But for Jason and Brooke, it had been intense grief. It almost brought them to their knees. Instead, they came together and walked through the loss. They had clung to each other and ended up falling in love.

They adopted Liam, Marvin, and Ellie’s boy, and then had a daughter of their own. If there was a family that deserved their happiness, it was the Coopers. Now Jason leans close into my ear in a mock whisper.

“Just to warn you, you’ll get a lot of grief in there,” he said. “Everyone wants to know where you’ve been hiding Mila.”

I laugh it off, but I don’t miss the puzzling look Brooke gives me.

“Come on in,” Jason says and leads the way through the house to the backyard where everyone is gathered.

I keep my arm draped around Mila protectively. We accept congratulations, and as Jason said, a little grief about not getting an invitation to the wedding. That doesn’t go on for long, and most people are eager to get to know Mila.

“I’ll take her if you don’t mind,” Debbie says, pulling Mila away from me.

I throw a quick questioning glance at Mila, and she smiles reassuringly. Only then do I let her go. Someone places a bottle of beer in my hand, and I sip at it appreciatively. I must admit it’s not so bad being here. The air is filled with smells of roasting meat and burgers, and it’s nice to listen to everybody chatter about normal things.

It doesn’t take long for my mind to return to Isaac, and my blood goes cold. What am I doing here, partying like I don’t have a care in the world? I should be at home waiting for the court evaluator. What if he comes and there’s no one home? He probably expects Isaac to be home at this time. My heart races as all kinds of crazy thoughts run through my mind. I try to tell myself that I’m being unreasonable.

A hand claps my back, and I snap back to the present.

“Congratulations, man!” Collins says. “You took us by surprise.” There’s a look of concern on his face.

Guilt floods me, but I can’t tell anyone the truth. I beam at him. “You know how it goes, one minute you’re not ready, and in the next, you can’t bear to lose her.”

He looks at me, puzzled. Clearly, he has no idea what I mean. Honestly, neither do I. Someone bangs their glass with a spoon to call for attention, and I gratefully turn. It’s Jason.

“How about a toast for the new couple?” he shouts.

A cheer goes up. This must have been planned because several bottles of champagne emerge, and two ladies distribute flutes. My gaze seeks Mila. She’s smiling and looks so happy. She frowns when she catches my eyes, and I realize that I’m frowning.

I arrange my mouth into a smile, but it’s too late. Mila knows me too well. That knowledge astounds me. We haven’t been together for long, and already we know each other deeply.

Brenda and I were married for years and did not really know each other. My friends and colleagues congratulate me and shake my hand. It’s as if all this is happening to someone else. I say and do all the right things, but my heart is not in it.

I need to be at home. I’ll give Mila and Isaac another half an hour, and then we definitely have to go home. The tension in my body will only ease when we’re home.

“We’re happy for you, man!” Jason says and hands me a flute brimming with champagne.

“Thanks!” I tell him as cheerfully as I can and gulp the champagne in one go. I welcome the burn in my throat.

Jason pours me another.

“Go to your wife!” someone shouts.

I grin like I am having the time of my life and oblige to the request. I stand next to Mila and drape an arm around her shoulders.

Jason’s voice rings out. “To Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. We wish you all the happiness in the world, and we won’t hold a grudge that you never invited us to the wedding.”

Laughter rings out. Mila’s shoulders are stiff. I massage them softly, and they slowly begin to loosen.

Following Jason’s instructions, we turn to each other and clink our glasses, and then I kiss Mila on the mouth amid catcalls. The champagne has made her skin glow. She looks so beautiful. I caress her cheek, and her eyes soften.

Chapter 22


“I’m so glad that Brad finally found someone that is deserving of him!” Lisa says, and everyone grows silent.

Debbie lets out a nervous laugh and places her hand on my arm. “What Lisa means is that we all think you’re lovely and so good for Brad and Isaac.”

A smile almost splits my face into two. Her words validate what I feel. Brad, Isaac, and I make a beautiful family. Then I remember Jessica’s words. They pierce through my happiness.